Mystery Volcano Photo

Alright, there has been some complaints that the last few MVPs have been too easy, so I tried to reach back and find one that might be more of a challenge for you all. Maybe this photo will do the trick ... Current standings: Don Crain - 2 volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Cam - 1 gg - 1 The Bobs - 1 Boris Behncke - 1 Good luck!
You know, we haven't had an MVP in a couple weeks. Let's remedy that! Current standings: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Cam - 1 gg - 1 The Bobs - 1 Boris Behncke - 1 Don Crain - 1 Here's MVP #11 ... good luck!
Just got back from GSA 2009 and Portland ... so, to tide everyone over until I get my act back together, enjoy Mystery Volcano #10. Coming soon: the answers to the questions posed to Dr. Jon Castro. The current standings: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Cam - 1 gg - 1 The Bobs - 1 Boris Behncke - 1 Good luck!
It took a few more guesses than some, but Boris Behncke correctly identified MVP#9 as San Miguel in El Salvador. The current MVP standings: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Cam - 1 gg - 1 The Bobs - 1 Boris Behncke - 1 Still no repeat winners, making for a crowded platform at the top. San Miguel in El Salvador, photographed from the ISS. As for our MVP, San Miguel is one of the most active volcanoes in El Salvador. It has had half a dozen eruptions over the last 25 years, most recent producing a small (VEI 1) explosive eruption in 2002. Most eruptions fall into the…
Busy Monday with Dr. Steven Squyres, the Principle Investigator of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission (MER; otherwise known as the plucky Spirit and Opportunity) is at Denison to give a talk and meet with students. On that note, here is Mystery Volcano Photo #9. And if you have any more questions for me to consider to ask Dr. Jonathan Castro, email them to me soon at Good luck!
So, the field still stands unblemished, having identified all 8 MVPs, usually within less than 7 tries. Nice job! Current MVP Standings: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Cam - 1 gg - 1 The Bobs - 1 MVP #7 was Arenal in Costa Rica. It was initially going to be Rincon de la Vieja, but somehow I mixed up the pictures. I think a lot of you know a lot more about Arenal than I do, but it is one of the most active - and easily visited - volcanoes in the Western Hemisphere. Eyjafjöll volcanoHekla from the northwest in Iceland, not your MVP #8. MVP #8 was Eyjafjöll (or…
The last MVP was decidely (and unintentionally) way too easy ... but congratulations to gg for getting it on the first guess. To make up for that "gimme", here is a bit more of a puzzler. MVP Standings volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Cam - 1 gg - 1
Today's a busy Monday with not much volcano news, so here's a new Mystery Volcano Photo. MVP Standings: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 Cam - 1 Gijs - 1 Anne - 1 Good luck!
The current Mystery Volcano Photo standings: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 Cam - 1 Anne - 1 It is a tight race! Here's MVP #6 ... give it your best shot.
OK, I admit it, this was a tough one. The MVP photo wasn't entirely distinctive, but the basaltic rift volcano of Ardoukôba in this small African nation was the answer. Nice job, Anne, for narrowing down the possible locations and nailing it. MVP Standings (as of 9/25/2009) volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 Cam - 1 Anne - 1 Ardoukôba volcano in Djibouti. To give a little info on the volcano, Ardoukôba is a rift volcano that is part of the East African/Red Sea rift system in Djibouti. As the picture implies, the volcano is a low, broad rift extending 12 kilometers / 7.5 miles between…
So far, Eruptions readers have nailed every one of the Mystery Volcano Photos posted, usually within the first two guess. That leaves our standings as: volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Ralph - 1 Cam - 1 The field - 0 Here's a MVP for you to identify. Good luck!
Sarigan Island in the Marianas - your MVP #4. I have to hand it to all of you, each time I've tried to make the Mystery Volcano Photo a challenge, you beat it with flying colors. The photo is, in fact, of Sarigan in the Mariana Islands (thanks to Dr. Ed Kohut for providing the photo). Eruptions reader Cam got the volcano on the second guess, leaving our current standings at: MVP Standings volcanista - 1 Ralph - 1 Elizabeth - 1 Cam - 1 everybody else - 0 Not much is known about Sarigan - it is an island composite volcano in the Mariana Islands. The last few eruptions have produced lava dome…
I'll be off in the mountains of Virginia until Monday, so no updates for the rest of the week. I'll leave you all with a new Mystery Volcano Photo sent in by a friend (I don't want to give any clues away just yet) ... hopefully one that might be a bit more challenging. Enjoy the weekend! Mystery Volcano Photo #4
OK, well, apparently MVP #2 was waaay too easy because Elizabeth got it on the first try - it was indeed Villarrica in Chile - I'll post something on Villarrica later this weekend. Anyway, for the weekend, I'll leave you with this photo. Hopefully it won't be so easy ... but then again, you all seem to be pretty good at this. Scoreboard volcanista - 1 Elizabeth - 1 all the rest of you - 0 The new photo: Good luck.
The first Mystery Volcano Photo worked out so well, I thought I'd try a second one, this time culled from my personal collection. I'll try to figure out a way to post the scoreboard on the blog so you can keep track of your standing as MVP continues. Take your best guess! Enjoy the weekend.
The first Mystery Volcano Photo (MVP, for short) seem to go well and indeed, the volcano in question was Concepcion in Nicaragua. Congratulations to volcanista for nailing it on the first try. I'll have to keep a tally of the winners for each MVP to name a, well, MVP MVP. So far, the scoresheet looks like that. Volcanista - 1 All the rest of yous - 0 I think we know who has the upper hand. Volcan Concepcion on Isla Omtepe in Nicaragua. Anyway, Concepcion! The volcano is a stratovolcano on the island of Ometepe in Lake Nicaragua, which it shares with Madera, another active stratocone. It is…
I'm going to start a little feature on these slow volcano days ... Introducing the "Mystery Volcano Photo"! I'll post a picture of a volcano and feel free to take a whack at identifying the volcano. I'll follow up with information on the volcano ... right now you can play for community honor, but who knows, maybe I'll get some prizes to give away. So, without further ado, Mystery Volcano #1 (9/8/2009). Make your guess(es) in the comments. Good luck!