
Obama giving a stump speech on the lawn just down from my office. Good turnout, good weather, good speech. Had to bail before the end, very intense crowd - Sen Casey, the PSU quarterback and Jay and Sue Paterno in attendance. Standard speech, but he really does give amazingly good speeches, easily best I have heard, including some very good Euro pols.
Did I mention that our undergraduate students are really awesome! Well, it is raining.
Rainy friday. Wot? No Snow? Must be spring already. So we bounce over to the Mighty iPod and ask, most chirpily: WTF was going on down at HQ? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: Money - Pink Floyd The Crossing: Introduction - The Lilac Fairy: Nutcracker - Tchaikovsky The Crown:Fun, Fun, Fun - Beach Boys The Root: Benjamin Franklin - Illinois school children The Past: Love Rescue Me - U2 The Future: Pull The Wires From The Walls - The Delgados The Questioner: Whiteness Thy Name is Meltonian - Half Man Half Biscuit The House: I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow The Inside: Young Person…
it has been yonks since I randomly rambled about middle eastern muddles, so why not now... apparently some interesting things have happened: al-Sadr's Mahdi army has ended its truce and is fighting the Iraqi government and US troops - this could get confusing if the Iranians are backing both Shiite factions, or not. And the Sunnis are getting peeved at broken promises, hoocoodanode? At least the Turks seem to be no longer "excursing" into Iraq (how many divisions does it take to change from excursion to intrusion?). Israelis are claiming that Hizbollah sent fighters (battalion units?) to…
hm, so there is this country, facing a declining currency, rising inflation, turmoil in the stock market with large fluctuations in key indices on short terms, real estate market bubble that looks like it might be popping, and concern that risk perception is leading to an acute credit crunch so... the central bank calls an emergency meeting and does what one should, as they have done before (though never quite so drastically) Iceland raises interest rates to 15% inflation is driven by increasing commodity costs and devaluing currency, although, unlike the US, Iceland is seeing some wage…
would the person who left the flowery hula skirt in my office this weekend please come and collect it... an explanation for how it got there would also be useful.
Happy Holidays! May his Noodly Appendages tickle you on this most festive of days. Pagans often fail to understand the traditions of Pastafarianism. As with all the other major faiths, the CoFSM has its traditions, its holy days. Some have, admittedly, been compromised from their pure origin to accommodate the realities of modern life, and scholars make persuasive arguments that the early church parents co-opted the traditions, and pagan rituals of other faiths. We are now in the holiest of all the Pasta days, the legendary Spaghetti Harvest. As the docmentary above shows, this is an…
Curious coincidences in the Obama passport scandal The contractor involved in the poking into the "passport file" of presidential candidate Barack Obama has now been revealed to be Stanley Inc - they had a $160 million contract with the State Department to help with passport handling. Files were accessed in Jan, Feb and March of '08. Most recently March 14th. On March 18th, Stanley got a $570 million extension of their contract Man, if only the State Department had known they were egregiously screwing up and some of their workers were violating privacy of prominent democrats, why then they…
Sunny happy friday, and the hordes have descended upon us. So, oh Mighty iPod... modulo the vagaries of the fickle humans, we ask: will they come? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: Atmosphere - Joy Division The Crossing: Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra: Flute, Piccolo (Presto) - Britten The Crown: Overture: Magic Flute - Mozart The Root: Sieben Variationen ueber das Lied Willem van Nassau - Mozart The Past: Hey Mr Yesterday - Jimmy Cliff The Future: My Perfect Cousin - Undertones The Questioner: You'll Never Walk Alone - Kop Choir The House: Carnival of the Animals:…
happy vernal equinox! In celebration of the season, and the imminent full moon preceding next sunday... A classic Anyone know of a clip of the "goolies" sketch? I require it for pedagogical purposes... can't find it on YouTube. PS: never mind, indexed under "soccer", of course.
that Iran said, that Israel said, that Cheney said to Oman that the US might attack Iran... unsourced, unsubstantiated, speculative but do the Iranians believe it? Press TV (Iran) also has an unscientific "quick poll" on that website according to it, 2/3 of respondents think Fallon resigned from CENTCOM over issue of attack on Iran game of perceptions, innit. Cheney also said he believed Iran may have restarted its nuclear weapons development program. He also went fishing in the Gulf on the sultan's boat. I wonder if his personal intelligence estimate is a probability of more or less than 0.…
Following the market? Intrigued by the collapse of investment banks? Huh! You wot? The words of the month are: Hoocoodanode? and "privatize the profit, socialize the risk" Blog finance nerds anticipation - look at the comments Athenae's rant at First Draft is a thing of cathartic beauty Steve at Information Processing has the quant perspective
it is no longer friday, but we blame the weather, and cheerfully ask the mighty iPod one: will the bears come out to play on monday? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: Mathematically Safe - Half Man Half Biscuit The Crossing: Teenage Kicks - Undertones The Crown: Melbourne Mambo - Mavericks The Root: Hey Mr Yesterday - Jimmy Cliff The Past:Star Light, Star Bright The Future: Streets of Sorrow/Birmingham Six - Pogues The Questioner: Breaking News - Half Man Half Biscuit The House: M-6-ster - Half Man Half Biscuit The Inside: The Sun and The Rain - Madness The Outcome:…
Admiral Fallon, head of US Central Command - ie Iraq and Afghanistan has resigned. Why? news just coming out. PS: WaPo has some interesting statements by the people involved: "...I don't believe there have ever been any differences about the objectives of our policy in the Central Command area of responsibility..."Fallon added - hmm, so can we read this to mean there are difference about the means by which the objectives are to be achieved? "Gates described as "ridiculous" any notion that Fallon's departure signals the United States is planning to go to war with Iran. And he said "there…
PZ is a year older, but still frisky
Press rumour that Bush may fire Admiral Fallon, head of Central Command specifically the rumour is that Adm Fallon may be relieved of command by this summer, 9-12 months before normal rotation would be considered, and that this is because of Fallon's "no war with Iran on my watch" stance White House Press officer refused to deny the rumour h/t dibgy Very bad, IF true. Depends on who the replacement is, but it'd provide a window for the administraton's "take out Iran" faction to push for an attack on Iran before the end of this Presidency, possibly as early as autumn. Any such attack would…
It is friday, yet it is not snowing, yet. So, we skip to the Mighty iPod and ask, most sincerely: Oh, Mighty iPod One, is it the case that the high redshift IMF was significantly influenced by CMB flooring and chemothermoinstabilities, as indicated by our poor and feeble efforts? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: Sumarkveðja - trad. The Crossing: What Color Are You Wearing? - trad. The Crown: Red Angel Dragnet - Clash The Root: Redemption Song - Bob Marley and the Wailers The Past: How Many Ducks? - trad. The Future: Mo - Alpha Blondy The Questioner: Teenage Kicks -…
a physicist, an engineer and a lawyer were chatting at a social event, when the Big Question came up Peter Parker vs Luke Skywalker - who would win? this is a tricky one, even if I tend to subscribe to the theory that spidey is a major underachiever who rarely lives up to his full potential, as if Luke ever does either... Clearly webbing vs lightsabre is no contest - give that one to Luke on the other hand, spidersense vs the Force, I would go with spidersense now superhuman strength is a winner, but spidey is a loner whereas Luke has all the Jedi supposedly backing him up... so I give it to…
remind me, don't the redshirts always die first? Comedian Lee Camp will never be invited back on Fox television... - click through and wait till the end for the "galactic love" but I expect he feels it was worth it. Especially since they promptly prove his point so elegantly. Especially since he was picked up by Comedy Central. h/t kos