
"Building a permenant home in the political wilderness" ... brilliant, Rachel. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy This is totally unbelievable. The Imams were polite yet annoyed. Reasonably annoyed. Here's the Imam story from way back when: MINNEAPOLIS - The Council on American-Islamic Relations called Tuesday for an investigation into the behavior of airline staff and airport security in the removal of six Muslim scholars from a US Airways flight a day earlier. A passenger raised concerns about the imams -- three of whom said their normal…
Who knows what might come of it!?!? Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Texas is going to secede from the union! Seriously! The governor of Texas has laid down the gauntlet, and unless we get rid of that Black Guy as president and that Damn Woman as speaker of the house, it's vamoose for Texas! And I couldn't be happier. Texas should not be part of the Union. Why? Well, there are a lot of reasons, but here are the top three: Texans are stupid. They bring our total national average down too much. Texans are regressive. Two steps forward, ten steps backwards, politically. I'd rather not live in the middle ages, thank you very much. Texans smell bad, look…
... so, I'm guessing that the "Re-Education Camps" .. also known as AmericCorps ... are a good idea. This concern on the part of Wackaloon Congresswoman Bachmann (WCB) is is probably valid, to the extent that AmericCorps is in any way educational. Education is always bad for Republicans. This is why in the late days of the Bush Administration and the ultra dumbed down Palin-McCain campaign, high-IQ Republicans were running away from the party. This is why Republicans push for teaching bad science in the schools. This is why ... oh, never mind, I'm sure you totally get it. Anyway, here is…
The judicial panel hearing Coleman's challenge against Franken in the Minnesota Senate Race has made its decision: Franken is the the winner of the election and should be certified. The procedure is this: A ten day period occurs after which the Governor certifies the election. Unless there is a challenge in the State Supreme Court. Colman has been ordered to pay Franken's legal costs. Coleman is expected to continue to obstruct democracy. About half the people of this state knew he was a bastard before this started. That number has grown. GIVE IT UP, NORM!!!!!!
The problem with those dang ethnic people is that you can't even pronounced their names. Regarding the difficulty some Chinese and other east Asian people have with conflicts in their own naming system and the naming system assued by, for instance, a state's Motor Vehicle department, Texas (where else) State Representative Betty Brown says: Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese -- I understand it's a rather difficult language -- do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here? ... Can't you see that this is…
According to news reports, the Minnesota Election Contest Judicial Panel finished their review of votes, counting just under 400 absentee ballots that were previous excluded. These votes were included as the result of Former Senator Norm Coleman's legal challenge to the election. With Senator Al Franken's lead over Former Senator Norm Coleman rising from 225 at the start of the process to 312 as of a few moments ago, it would appear that Coleman's challenge has backfired. The judicial panel still has a few more issues to rule on. One of the issues os the ca 130 votes that were lost in a…
It would be nice if George Bush went to jail. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
... so we should be happy with the carbon god gave us. Which was less. So wait, what does this mean???? Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy This is what a political party looks like when it is on the verge of extinction.
Highlights: Part I: The first couple of minutes is Letterman making numerous jokes at O'Reilly's expense. Nicely done. 1min 30 sec. Rush Limbaugh as new face of the Republican Party. O'Reilly takes credit for Limbaugh's success. 3 min 50 sec. This is Letterman throwing out phrases he had apparently practiced earlier in the show ("Oh yea?" "Whatever!" and so on) much to the amusement of the audience. 4 min 50 sec: Letterman lays out the fact that O'Reilly lies. Regarding Sean Penn. Linbaugh, I mean O'Reilly starts to take it up a notch. 6 min 30 sec: O'Reilly claims to have had a…
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Note the continued threats of violence by the Right Wing. We continue to await word from the court.
Well, I suppose we could go get guns and knives and bludgeons and just go KILL HER. That certainly would be a kind of ironic justice. But since we are all peace loving non violent types, I suppose we are going to have to make sure she does not win the next election. Whatever. But clearly, one way or another, we have to figure out a way to REPLACE MICHELE BACHMANN!!!! Which is what the Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival is all about. The new, revived edition of this carnival is up and it is known as: Revenge of Daughter of the Replace Michele Bachmann Blog Carnival Submit your posts…
Back before the election in November, Stephanie Zvan and I had dinner to discuss the idea of forming a community of like minded bloggers to exchange resources and information. Mike Haurbrich was part of that conversation as well, but not at dinner that particular evening, which was at The Blue Nile. During that conversation, and in subsequent email conversations and over a pizza here and a Martguerita there, two projects developed, neither one of which was the blogger community resource that we had envisioned. One of those projects was our joint blog, Quiche Moraine, which has been goin…
In conversation with reporters earlier today Coleman noted that he does not anticipate this case going to the US Supreme Court, though he did apparently say this in his usual smarmy way so he can change his mind later. He did indicate that he DOES anticipate bringing the case to the Minnesota Supreme Court if the judicial panel now considering the case rules against his claim. source
I live next to this crazy person's congressional district and I do not want the yahoos who live there pouring over the border of My Fair City with their guns and rabid dogs, mullets and swastika-bearing pickups. Michele Bachmann barely makes it to Winged Monkey level, and this is well demonstrated here: More details here. More details and important request below the fold: Should Bachmann Be Censured for Her Recent Remarks? Politico: Bachmann urges "armed" revolt over climate plan. At Political Animal I recommend writing your representative in congress and asking that Bachmann be…
This is interesting, if true, and it is mostly about legislation regulating access to reproductive services at the federal and state level. I have a column written by conservative Charles Biggs that makes the claim that Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, is "telling us that if the federal government tries to lift all restrictions on abortion, our only option is to disobey that law" as stated by Biggs. Coburn allegedly used the phrase "Civil Disobedience." This is interesting because up to now the Republican position on "Civil Disobedience" has been that it is the same thing as…
First, draw a circle. Then, assemble your most incompetent boobs and make sure anyone who is competent you undermine. Such as the case of RNC Chairman Tom Steele ... keep him in power only long enough to demonstrate (because you've totally undermined him) that his sort should be avoided in the future, once and for all. The most amazing bit of news we've heard since the Party of Racism cynically and quite temporarily appointed a black man to lead them, is that Minnesota's Norm Coleman could be appointed to replace Steele. The reaction of one Democratic Party official when asked what the Dems…
Illegal aliens are swarming across the border of Michele Bachmann's district. Which is on the border of .... nothing, actually, it is a 'landlocked' district. Uffda. Take a breather. OK, ready? Let's keep going a minute more... Can you handle more? Probably not, and that's OK. Nobody really can. But if you want, we've got it: Who is the poor guy who has to stand there and listen to this crap?
Oh, but wait, he wasn't. But Al Franken IS. That's Franken, zero els. A group promoting United States-Israel ties is raising funds for Norm Coleman with an e-mail that opens by referring to Al Franken by the not-particularly-Jewish-sounding name "Franklin": We are making an appeal for one of our friends and steadfast supporters of US-Israel relations, Senator Norm Coleman. The election in Minnesota and its recount have been distressing to follow. Coleman won the election. After the recount, Franklin came out slightly ahead, but tragically this recount was filled with many…
Somebody's site on the internet is borked and it needs your help! Hat tip to MN Progressive for identifying this problem. Go help out Dusty Trice.