
Bachmann's Religious Cult Organizes Minnesota School Assemblies that Frighten, Disturb Students. Female students are told they "... should be pretty much [their] husband's slaves." One's student's reaction: "When I graduate, I'm not going to shake my school administrators hand." I drive through Pequot Lakes (and Pine River) several times a year. It's the town on 379 with the water tower made to look like a giant fishing float. I will never think of this sleepy little rural town again. Anyway, here's the thing. This organization that provides these assemblies for the students is the…
... because it is hard to be a Senator from Prison. The latest from Fox News: The FBI is reportedly investigating allegations that a Minnesota businessman tried to funnel $75,000 in campaign contributions to Sen. Norm Coleman through the senator's wife, Laurie, at the same time Coleman was going into debt because of extensive home renovations. According to a report from, two lawsuits allege that in the spring of 2007, Nasser Kazeminy began making $25,000 payments from Deep Marine Technology, a Texas company he controls, to Laurie Coleman's employer, insurer Hayes…
Something very interesting just happened in Minnesota. You know about the recount, and you know that today the canvassing board is deciding what to do about a number of possibly improperly rejected absentee ballots. At least 630, and possibly as many as 1,500, absentee ballots have been improperly rejected in the Minnesota Senate race. If they are included in the recount to determine if Al Franken or Norm Coleman should be senator, there is a pretty good chance that these will favor Franken. I would estimate that the consideration of Absentee ballots could shift the numbers by between 80…
Next week, probably over a four day period, the ad hoc State Canvassing Board will go through all the recount data and look at the 3-4 thousand contested ballots and come up with a final number in this very close Minnesota senate race. But today they are expected to make a couple of decisions that may have an even larger effect on the outcome. One of the most important decisions they will make today is what to do about the 133 ballots that are "missing" (read: a Coleman supporter hid somewhere, most likely) in one Minneapolis district. Without these votes in a Franken-supporting area,…
On the eve of a key State Canvassing Board meeting on the U.S. Senate race, Democrat Al Franken presented affidavits today from 62 Minnesotans who said their absentee ballots were improperly rejected. With Franken behind in the official Senate recount, the affidavits were the latest attempt by the campaign to increase the pressure on the board to count absentee ballots that were improperly rejected. The affidavits followed the release of a web video Wednesday by the campaign that portrayed the stories of seven Minnesotans whose ballots were improperly rejected. A campaign spokesman said the…
Wait -- my headline is wrong. Coleman isn't stealing the election, and neither is Franken. Both sides are going to fight the recount battle all the way to the end, and that's the way it should be. And the election isn't in chaos. Routine problems are being handled routinely, with one precinct still up in the air. It's just an unbelievably close election, and no one knows who will win. What is happening, though, is that the national Republicans (Ann Coulter, Powerline, Wall Street Journal) are setting the stage for a "stolen election" claim. ... This post is dead on. Here at GLB, we monitor…
Get pissed off. Go here.
This is a MUST SEE video. It starts with Arthur Laffer, the Regeanomic Yahoo looking like a moron. Then we move on to some other guys who look like utter fools ... Then, Ben Stein totally sticks his foot in it. Ben Stein's Famous Last Words, one year ago: "Stocks will be a lot higher in one year than they are now." He especially recommended that you invent in financial companies leke Merrill Lynch. hat tip: Joe
Here's the graph: The explanation for the graph is here. This is a little misleading. The number of votes counted yesterday and contributing to this right-most point is very small ... hardly any counting was going on during the day Saturday. The Monday data, added to this, will be more useful. (In fact, some of you may have noticed, that while this graph is fun, there are major violations going on here statistically ... which is why there is no R-squared or p value being given!) I've changed the Republican Party Line to be a third order polynomial for maximum absurdity. See this post…
This is hyst-fucking-erical. OK, we've been recounting ballots pursuant to the implementation of actual Democracy in the Coleman-Franken race for U.S. Senate. So what do you think the standard JOKE among the Democrats ... working as volunteers to observe the count for Franken ... has been? This: "I challene this ballot because the voter filled in the bubble for Norm Coleman. Obviously, this voter is delusional." Ha ha ha. Well, even if it is not the funniest joke you've ever heard, it IS a joke. Right? Right? Well, no, not if you are a Republican. The Coleman challengers have…
Norm Coleman is afraid of YOUR vote. Especially if you filed an absentee ballot: Republican Sen. Norm Coleman filed an injunction to stop the opening and counting of 32 absentee ballots in Minneapolis, according to a copy of the court documents filed today provided to the Pioneer Press by Democrat Al Franken's campaign.... ...The Franken campaign officials said Saturday that Coleman officials are trying to "deprive Minnesota voters of their civil rights." Andy Barr, Franken's communications director, said in a statement: "Ever since the routine process of canvassing to ensure that every vote…
We know this because every single thing this African American Republican strategist has publicly said up until today has been towing the party line on McCain and the party line against Obama no matter how utterly stupid and wrong it clearly was. Until today, when he (as I see him commenting on Hardball) has decided to embrace the whole Obama is the President thing. I don't know how he's lived with himself to now, and apparently he did not either. This is possible because for the Republican Party (prior to its demise) the truth was not really a factor.
Cure B Palin More evidence that the Republican Party is about to fly apart into little pieces.
There is some nasty stuff happening in Minnesota. I'm thinking the Franken-Coleman election was rigged, and we may be able to prove this over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, in Winona county: Rocks thrown through Democratic Headquarters window: Local authorities are saying that this was revenge rocks being thrown through Obama posters. Regarding the Franken/Coleman race: Yes, the number dropped from four hundred plus (Coleman over Franken) to three hundred plus (Coleman over Franken) when a "1" in the hundreds place was discovered. Was this a mistake or on purpose? A mistake? Of 400…
Some of you have been asking "What has happened to Ann Coulter lately? We have not seen much of her." Well, I've been seeing a lot of Ann, so I'm not quite sure what you are asking about. Coulter has continued to write for her usual outlets, including her column in Human Events which, which I read. The difference between a year and a half or so ago and now is that mainstream media has stopped picking her up. I think her run in with Elizabeth Edwards that served as the last straw in that regard. I read Coulter's column for obvious reasons, but I should point out that I don't subscribe to…
tags: Liberalism, liberals, politics This essay was sent to me by a friend and I thought you would appreciate reading it. I am posting it here intact, except for a few editorial improvements. Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe because some stupid commie liberal fought to ensure their safety and that they work as advertised. All but $10 of his…