
We've got to impeach this moron. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy The reason we have such a moron as governor seems to be that the Minnesota "Democratic Party" is organized in such a way that we usually end up pitting two Democrats against one Republican. We can't do that next time. Seriously.
It has been said that civility is an excellent conversation stopper. And it can be, because demanding civility has been a way to control or limit the voice of alterity or the unprivileged. When it comes to Joe Wilson's now-infamous shouted remark at the joint session, the question arises as to whether the tone or style of this act was the important issue, or whether the meaning or content of what he said ... the truth of his "You lie!" ... is what should be focused on. In my view, the answer is: Both, neither, and you are missing the point. I offer the following: 1) His incivility at this…
This week, Allison Vivas of Pink Visual received a fax from Newt Gingrich's American Solutions for Winning the Future (ASWF) group, informing her that she's been chosen for a 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year award by his Business Defense and Advisory Council Pink Visual is aparently a porn superstore, and once the conservatives found that out, they retracted the award. When they invited Allison to dinner with New at the Capitol Hill Club, THEY LIED!!!!! Details here.
Wilson's outburst was designed by the GOP corporate PR fronts to distract media coverage following Obama's cogent and compelling remarks to Congress. Speculation here.
Geraldo is asking Michele Bachmann to take her hyperbole down a notch. That's funny. Huckabee blames Obama for Wilson's Remarks. Anne Coulter claims that Michele Bachmann is her fave. hat tip DMB Oh, and confirmed: Wilson's outburst WAS an act of racism.
Her point is, and she's right, that there really is not any longer a difference between the extremists and the Republicans. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
... And he has apologized. He actually called the White House to apologize, and the apology was accepted by a high ranking staff member and presumably conveyed to the president. I just saw him speak of the "apology." If that was an apology, I'm the Queen of England. NBC report below the fold. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy What do you think. Do we still take him down?
OK, folks, were taking this MoFo down next election. Joe Wilson (that is not his real name, by the way) is the member of Congress who interrupted President Obama's speech last night with a shout of "You Lie!!!" Now, there are those of you who will say "Well, at least he wasn't being civil! That would have really been a conversation stopper!" but you would be missing the point. Which is, in carrying out that act, Joe Wilson made himself into a symbol of the teabagging astroturfing right wing anti-woman, anti-gay Republicans/Libertarians. He's not just a bad Congressperson any more. He'…
Did you need proof that the Right Wing is stocked with nefarious morons? And I'm not sure which word to emphasize, nefarious or moron. Both, I guess. About a year ago today was the Republican National Convention, and at that time (and prior, during, and after) numerous arrests were made under Patriot-Act spawn laws of people who did little more than attempt vigorous protest, plan vigorous protest, or in some cases, randomly blunder into town at the wrong moment. Most charges were dropped (but not all ... we hopefully await that event in about a month) and law suits that have great promise…
Barach Obama could stumble in drunk and spend a half hour picking his nose and it would be better than what we are used to.
All the kiddies have to wait until September eight, but I've obtained a copy of it!!!! Ooops, wrong president. OK, now, please help me find all the press and other documentation of the left wing going nuts over the president addressing the school children. Oh, what? There isn't any? You mean the left and the right are NOT mirror images of each other? Well, I'll be a goat! Thanks Ed for digging this up.
Dear Dr. Thein, I am a parent of a child in the Roseville, MN School District. I am very concerned about news reports I've been hearing from elsewhere in Minnesota indicating that there are parents upset about The President of the United States addressing the students in some classrooms next week. I am primarily concerned with the responses by the school districts to the parents. The responses I've heard have been rather appeasing to these parents. I do not think this is appropriate. The parents in question are insane. They are suggesting, perhaps not to school districts directly but…
A poll of facebook ... link is here ... asks "Should President Obama be allowed to do a nationwide address to school children without parental consent?" I find the wording of that statement to be astounding. But anyway, if you are on facebook, you may want to go and vote. CUrrently, 65% say NO, 29% say YES. OH, and people are posting this on their facebook status today: "_______ believes that no one should die because they cannot afford health care, and nobody should go broke because they get sick." (you put your name int he blank, or whatever)
Drug monkey points out the latest over the tip insanity... The President of the United States plans to distribute an address to the nation's school children on September 8th, and some of the wingnuts are saying they want their kids out of school, or out of the classroom, for that event. They are pretty sure this is part of Obama's attempt to spread socialism. There is a poll asking this question: What are your feelings about the President addressing school children in a speech on September 8th? HERE. So, you have the opportunity to express your opinion on this vitally important topic.
I made the point in an earlier post (Discordant Democrats vs. Republican Dittoheads) that Republicans work in lock step and simply do whatever they are told. I'm not talking (necessarily) about the average Joe the Plumber Republican. I'm talking about elected officials with law degrees. The average United States Senator or Representative who happens to be a Republican needs not think, read, or consider. All he or she needs to do is listen to the orders and follow them. Thining on one's own is simply not done. Does that sound like a typical Greg Laden over the top bit of hyperbole? It…
The Democratic Party represents true diversity and has elements in it that are as conservative as any Republican on some issues, as well as libertarians and even quasi-anarchists who are willing to bite the bullet and "show up" to have some kind of influence. The Republican Party, in contrast, strictly polices itself and drives anyone with differing opinions into the swamp. A "differing opinion" is one not endorsed by Rush Limbaugh. Read more at qm.
Corporate America removed Bush from office for the pragmatic reason that civilization would have collapsed had they not. Now, with Democrats resting on their laurels and drunk with power, Corporate America seeks to restructure the economy, the regulatory system, and society as benefits them most. Are you going to just let that happen? Stephanie Zvan at Quiche Moraine explains.
Some time ago I mentioned that there would be an OpEd piece in the New York Times in a couple of days relating recent astroturfing and teabagging activities to a broader, more historical context. Well, the OpEd is out, and as expected, it is quite good. The Guns of August By Frank Rich "IT is time to water the tree of liberty" said the sign carried by a gun-toting protester milling outside President Obama's town-hall meeting in New Hampshire two weeks ago. The Thomas Jefferson quote that inspired this message, of course, said nothing about water: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from…
There is a good argument here for closing down government programs for monitoring weather. And volcanoes. And stuff. Lou has all the wonderful amazing details here.