
The following composite image represents what the Tea Party stands for. It is the image of the Libertarian movement, like it or not. It is what today's Republican Party stands for. It is what you get if you don't vote next Tuesday. Top: Rand Paul (right) and one of his campaign workers, Tim Profitt. Bottom: Tim Profitt stomping the head of a woman who disagrees with Rand Paul. It is what you get if you don't vote next Tuesday. If you are in Minnesota, here is how to find your polling place. Elsewhere, there are similar resources. This is not hard .
Rand Paul's henchman, alleged assailant Tim Profitt ("The Stomper") has been summoned before a judge on assault charges . Profitt has started whining about his safety being in danger and claims to have received numerous death threats after he and his buddies wrestled an unarmed woman to the ground and stomped on her at a political rally because they did not like her opinion. He now claims that the reason that he stomped the victim, political activist and 90 pound weakling Lauren Valle, on the head is because he has a bad back and could not bend down, presumably to punch her on the head. The…
The man who stomped on the head of a woman at a Rand Paul campaign event has been identified, and it is a person close to Paul and involved in the campaign. He was one of several campaign workers who seemingly premeditated the attack, part of which was recently caught on videotape. Assailant Tim Profitt, who works for Rand Paul, and Rand Paul. Here are more details, from the woman who was wrestled to the ground and stomped on by Tim Profitt, who has been identified as one of Paul's local campaign coordinators (a volunteer position). These are the words of the stompee herself, Lauren Valle…
In light of this recent story of Rand Paul reporters wrestling a woman to the ground and stepping on her head, I decided to post this political campaign note from Jack Conway's campaign, because it contains parallel (and rather disturbing) information: Rand Paul's issue positions -- and his prior conduct -- are more than quirky or odd. They are wrong. Not just because he thinks our seniors should be forced to pay a new $2,000 Medicare deductible. And not just because he wants a new 23% sales tax on everything nationwide -- a tax that would penalize the poor and middle class. I mean, he even…
That's what one of my fellow Minnesotans, a gun-nut proto-teabagger, said to Paul Wellstone after he was elected to the Senate, and was busy opposing Gulf War I. There were many other threats as well, once again demonstrating that right wingers are often rude, sometimes violent, and always obnoxious. This comes up now because Paul Wellstone's FBI file is suddenly in the public eye. The threats alarmed Wellstone's staff and led his state director, Jeff Blodgett, to contact the FBI and other authorities, MPR reported. Blodgett agreed to an agent's recommendation to put a "trap and trace"…
This story has been more or less in the background for some time, as the receipts of envelopes containing swastikas, cat food, and shit sent by right wing extremists is fairly run of the mill. But the latest envelope from what appear to be white supremacist teabagging terrorists sent to Congressman Raul Grijalva's office appears to have contained a toxic "white powder." His office has been shut down and his campaign in this very close race has been severely disrupted. Details here. And, this:
As expected, the liars, I mean Republicans (and Blue Dog Dems) who opposed the recovery act still wanted the recover act. They only wanted to look like they opposed it while they took advantage of it. Rep. Pete Sessions, the firebrand conservative from Dallas, Texas, has relentlessly assailed the Democratic-passed stimulus law as a wasteful "trillion dollar spending spree" that was "more about stimulating the government and rewarding political allies than growing the economy and creating jobs." But that didn't stop the Republican lawmaker from reaching his hand out behind the scenes to…
The party of stupid, a.k.a. Teabaggers a.k.a. Republicans a.k.a. The Million Moran March has been attracting significant international attention, which is normal because people like to laugh at American stupidities (and this is just). But I thought you'd like to see this snippet from today's BBC: The Iott controversy comes amid growing concern in the Republican party about the views of some candidates for the mid-term elections in November, our correspondent says. He adds that the growth of the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement has left them with one would-be senator who has questioned…
I just found out that the gummit says I caint supposed to burn trash in my own damn yard. An, I just larnt my tax dollars pay for socializt gummit things like the fur department and po-lees. This has gotta stop now, elsewize we may have a need to x-plore second amendment remiteez! Because this is the world we really want to live in: Last week, Paulette and Gene Cranick's grandson started a fire in a burn barrel outside the couple's Tennessee home. He added garbage, then went inside to take a shower. A few minutes later, he noticed an adjacent shed was engulfed in flames. It didn't take…
The Atlantic's Josh Green reports that millionaire businessman Rich Iott, the Republican nominee challenging Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D) in Ohio's Ninth District, has an unusual hobby: He likes to pretend he's a Nazi. Iott, a tea party-backed candidate, spent time fighting another battle before he hit the campaign trail against Kaptur as a member of the 5th SS Wiking Panzer Division, a group of Ohio World War II reenactors. According to their website, the Wikings strive to "salute" the "idealists" from occupied northern Europe who saw the Third Reich as "the protector of personal freedom and their…
Thank you Al.
Lamar Alexander (R-TN) John Barrasso (R-WY) Kit Bond (R-MO) Sam Brownback (R-KS) Jim Bunning (R-KY) Richard Burr (R-NC) Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) Tom Coburn (R-OK) Thad Cochran (R-MS) John Cornyn (R-TX) Bob Corker (R-TN) Mike Crapo (R-ID) Jim DeMint (R-SC) John Ensign (R-NV) Mike Enzi (R-WY) Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Judd Gregg (R-NH) Jim Inhofe (R-OK) Johnny Isakson (R-GA) Mike Johanns (R-NE) Jon Kyl (R-AZ) John McCain (R-AZ) Mitch McConnell (R-KY) James Risch (R-ID) Pat Roberts (R-KS) Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Richard Shelby (R-AL) John Thune (R-SD) David Vitter (R-LA) Roger Wicker (R-MS)
In regards to Jim Russell, Republican Congressional candidate.
And Delaware's Tea Party O'Donnell caught in major resume education lie. More on Paladino:
According to Goldman Sachs puppet California Republican and eMagnate pro-CEO gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, who apparently ... well, you can guess...
Wyoming, which is a pretty stupid state sometimes, although you don't hear about it too often because almost no one lives there, has a candidate for governor who ... wants teachers to be required to teach creationism. "I think it is as valuable a theory as any other theory." ... is opposed to abortion even in the context of rape. ... in what the Casper Star-Tribune called "A momumental display of bad judgement" he advocated for leniency for his friend Ty in a rape case. Ry is now serving 60 years in the pen for raping a Casper woman in her home. In a poll conducted nearly two weeks ago,…