
That is the message being clearly repeated by defeated Tea Party activists, and it is not all words. Some time over the last couple of days, Tea Party activist Harry Weisiger, of Nashville Tennessee apparently tried to kill an adult male and a ten year old girl because they were driving in a car with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker. (source) Is this the follow up on the threats encouraged by Michele Bachmann last fall, which led violent-tending morons like my close personal friend Josh the Tea Bagger to show up at Obama rallies "armed and dangerous" (see this)? There are so many ironies…
Apparently, Tea Party Terrorists (TPT) have threatened and/or harassed Democratic Congressional Representatives Betty McCollum and Keith Ellison because of their votes on health insurance reform. McCollum is said to have recieved "vulgar" mail, and a gasoline soaked fragment of an American flag. One letter included this description of what would happen to the Congresswoman: "I will hound you. I will intimidate you and your family. I will scream at you. I will re-write your history. I will physically out strong-arm you. I will shame you, your friends, and your family." Although the letter…
Have a cup of tea and watch this for a little perspective ...
Tea Party activists have gathered on Capitol Hill today for a "Code Red" rally against health care reform. .... The gathering was organized by Tea Party Profiteer organizations ... ThinkProgress .... spotted a sign threatening violence if health care passes. The sign reads: "Warning: If Brown can't stop it, a Browning can," referring to Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) and a Browning ... Check it out So what does this mean? If I know someone is in the Tea Party and I know they know I supported health care reform, should I kill them preemptively? Seriously. I live several hundred meters from Michele…
NYT Admits Getting Duped on ACORN ACORN Folds As National Organization The real problem (well, a real problem) with the two party system is that it fuels and supports the "two sides to the story" system. When teabag sucking right wing yahoos went after Acorn, it was the job of the so called "fifth estate" to expose that politically motivated Watergate-like nefarious activity for what it was, not facilitate it.
A statement from the statesman: "Last night was the climax of weeks and months of debate on a health care bill that my constituents fear and do not support. In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase 'it's a baby killer' in reference to the agreement reached by the Democratic leadership. While I remain heartbroken over the passage of this bill and the tragic consequences it will have for the unborn, I deeply regret that my actions were mistakenly interpreted as a direct reference to Congressman Stupak himself. "I have apologized to Mr. Stupak and also... Oh shut up,…
Or at least that is what we may infer from the recent legislative activity in one of America's most socially backwards states, Oklahoma. The Oklahoma State Senate passed a bill Thursday that would limit what authorities can do when prosecuting hate crimes. The bill would prohibit local and state law enforcement agencies from sharing information about hate crimes with federal authorities if the state of Oklahoma did not recognize the crime as a hate crime by its own statutes. The Oklahoma Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community condemned the bill's passage. source, whole story I…
In the wake of recent political developments, there has been a lot of hand-wringing about why Democrats in Congress are so spineless, and have been unable to pass meaningful legislation despite huge majorities. After thinking about my travel plans last night, I think I have the key to the Grand Unified Theory of American politics. The problem is not that Democratic politicians are uniquely craven, or venal, or anything like that. The problem is Washington, DC. No, this is not a prelude to some right-wing rant about how the Real America can be found only in states with more livestock than…
... in the latest episode of Psycho Talk. Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Now, I know all the ditto heads are going to show up and start arguing whether or not "horse-whipped" is spelled with a dash, but that is just a distraction. Check this out: You should be horse-whipped for the insult you have paid to the highest office of our nation. Having followed President Obama's suggestion and donated money to the Red Cross for relief in Haiti, I was offended to hear you suggest the President might be a thief capable of stealing money intended for the earthquake victims. For the record, Ebert provides a transcript of Limberger's asinine remarks: Justin of Raleigh, North…
Some people say yes, some people say no. Either way, Glen Beck is a Racist Moron. First, watch this: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy (I love the fact that Rachel appreciates "Get Smart" .... but I digress) Then watch this.... Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy (The book referred to here is: Shades of Citizenship: Race and the Census in Modern Politics) What do you think should be done about the issue off who gets counted where in relation to prisons? That is a very interesting question. Given that so many…
The Republican Party speaks: GOP senators on Tuesday highlighted âpure wasteâ in the billions of stimulus funds spent this year, including money for fossil research in Argentina, puppet shows and to protect cruise ships from terrorist attacks... What does the Republican Party consider wasteful? Science, apparently: Half a million dollars went to Arizona State University to study the genetic makeup of ants to determine distinctive roles in ant colonies; $450,000 went to the University of Arizona to study the division of labor in ant colonies. âI had no idea that so much expertise concerning…
... or ... Republicans Attack Franken for Opposing Rape No, no ... maybe this .. Thirty Senate Republicans Prefer Rape over Justice Or perhaps ... Al Franken Does Right Thing: Republicans Get Mad Oh, forget it. I'll never decide on a title for this post. Just watch the story: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
So, I stop paying attention for a couple of days and Rachel Maddow is now an older white-haired straight white guy??? Whatever, this is an interesting report. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy I like the idea that the Republicans are terrified of their grassroots. I certainly am.
This is outrageous. Source and more information here.
Starring Jabba the Rush Hat Tip: Javier
Of particular interest is a move within the AMA to rescind that organization's support of reform with a public option... What's up with that? Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Don't mess with Maddow. Or, "Keep your right wing Christian hands off ... the pages????" Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
She wants to spill the blood of liberals. I think she should be locked up. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Michael Steele is downplaying the significance of the Loss of the 23rd in NY. But Lawrence O'Donnell has set him straight: Michael, you made the 23rd the most important congressional district in the country. The Democrats didn't do it. You did it. You lost it. You led your party to a disastrous loss that it has never experienced in that district before. Congratulations, nice work. Above story was reported in HuffPo. Here's the film: Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy