
Or, more specifically, will my rep, Erik Paulsen, vote against the Recovery Act extension today which will fund, in part, Medicade and Education (167 mil in Minnesota)? We need this. But we don't meed Erik that much. If he votes against it, I may have to do something about that. Which will probably consist of spending a bit of time working on the campaign of his hopeful replacement, Jim Meffert. Meffert supports the bill, and generally, education. Paulsen, on the other hand, does whatever Michele Bachmann tells him to do, or so it would seem.
My grandfather fought against the assault on our freedoms in the form of the Kaiser's army in WW I. At one point he became gravely ill (the "Spanish flu" perhaps) and was not allowed to march forward with his unit. They were all killed. My father fought in WW II against the Nazi's, who were one of the greatest threats against our freedoms to ever exist. He won a couple of medals, finished off his work in the European Theater, and the war ended as he was on his way to Japan, having volunteered for the invasion against the Japanese Imperialists, who were the other great threat against our…
That ad was made by Blue America and Americans for America (two .... American ... organizations). The thing is, you can join in on the decision process for which Republican to feature in an ad produced by this team. But you have to donate at least a dollar for your vote to count. Like the old days!!! Here's how you vote: just make a donation on the page dedicated to the culprit of your choice. If you click on the picture below, you go directly to their page. Because we're progressives and not conservatives, a one dollar donation equals the same single vote as a one hundred dollar donation…
Steve Andrew dared to tickle the dragon's tail and now he is paying for it. The dragon in this case, is Climate Denialists in the Right Wing Media. Andrew posted something about the recent, very alarming news that global warming seems to be cutting back significantly on the supply of oceanic plankton. The worst case scenario of this sort of process is, actually, mass extinction and everybody dies. There are less severe scenarios as well, but none of them are very much fun. So yes, even as the climate chickens come home to roost, the denailists can't keep their bought and paid for (by the…
Both Erik Paulsen, my representative to the US congress, and Michele Bachmann, the infamous insane person who represents my neighbors a few blocks away, have elected to vote against worker's health compensation for 9/11 first responders. And they dare to call themselves Americans!!! According to my other neighbor, Jim Meffert, who happens to be running against Paulsen: It absolutely sickens me that Representatives Paulsen and Bachmann were among those who turned a blind eye to the health needs of 9/11 rescue workers. These two should be ashamed of themselves. They denied critical help for…
It turns out, Sponge Bob Square Pants Roolz. But never mind that. Keep focused on the racism, it is actually important: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy He he ... she said "girlfriend."
Hat Tip: Rachel Maddow
I heard a white male blogger said something, or failed to say something, or whatever. So, let's pile on and verbally pound him for a while! Because, you know, there is nothing worse going on in the world when it comes to buying and selling (with money or votes) women's freedoms!!! Or is there? Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
I know you don't like when I say this, but you people living in Florida through Louisiana (and points in between) are not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer. As it were. (I said it that way because I figure you won't understand what I mean.) I think it's funny that I enraged people with my comments on Florida being full of stupid people the other day. And I explained why I said those things (click here), but none of you managed to click on the link (click here) to understand the bigger picture. Apparently, you are even less smart than I was giving you credit for. (click here) At…
It is hard to prove, but the evidence certainly leads in that direction. The former Bachmann campaign official in question is Luke Hellier, previously featured on Quiche Morain here. There is no doubt whatsoever that Hellier's commentary on the Minnesota Democrats Exposed blog, regarding editing of Jim Meffert's Wikipedia entry was dishonest. I had not mentioned this in my earlier post at QM, but Ed Kohler of The Deets clearly and painstakingly documents that Hellier "quote mined" the Wikipedia change log to make it look like a Meffert volunteer was acting inappropriately. It turns out…
Over that last day or so, tons of BP oil have been removed from Florida beaches. The news shows people who live along the beaches crying. Sorry, Floridians, I do not cry for you. I cry for the clams, but not the people. You put that oil there. You may or may not remember your part in stealing the election and putting the Oilman Bush in office, with the help of your governor, another Oilman Bush. You may or may not have noticed that you play a large role in determining the outcome of national elections, and thus helped re-elect Oilman Bush. Not much is being said about it now, but I'm…
Let's not forget.
I was talking with a friend from another country yesterday and she indicated that whenever she caught herself up on American politics, she would become frightened. She was underestimating. Apparently, the 1964 Civil Rights act is "UNCONSTITUTIONAL, PROGRESSIVE and HITLER." according to one of the first Republican Party activists (or somebody, anyway) to post on the new Republican Party web thinkgie called This is not a surprise. It is not uncommon for the new Tebagging Republicans to have problems like this (remember this incident when John McCain visited Minnesota…
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Michele Bachmann might be the stupidest person who can still breathe. Do you know what net neutrality is? It is... ...a principle proposed for user access networks participating in the Internet that advocates no restrictions by Internet Service Providers or governments on content, sites, or platforms, on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and on the modes of communication allowed etc. etc. -Teh Wiki President Barack Obama once said of Net Neutrality that he is "a big believer in net neutrality. I campaigned on this. I continue to be a strong supporter of it." (source) Therefor,…
A New Hampshire high school principal is insisting her membership in a Facebook group lamenting that Barack Obama lived through his first year in office is all a big misunderstanding. Principal Ronna Cadarette claims it was all an understanding, leave me away, go away, and stop infringing my constitutional rights etc. etc. But this is the same person who refused to allow ANY teachers to broadcast Obama's famous speech to the schools last year. For which there was a suit. Which ended ... in an interesting way brings up the question as to whether or not this particular school principle is…
In their own words ... They call themselves Teabaggers, but really, they are nothing other than Republicans. Out of the box, run of the mill, nothing special Republicans. You might think that these conversations are cherry picked, a rare set of unusual views held by a small number of the people at this rally. I spent hours on the telephone last election speaking to randomly chosen voters in a high-SES Republican district in Minnesota. A minority of people with whom I spoke were pretty serious Democrats supporting the Democratic slate. The rest of the people with whom I spoke with…
Subtitle: Republican Annoyed by Uppity Blacks with Phones Watch and listen, and marvel at it. Marvel at the attitude of the caller, which I'm sure is fairly widespread. Marvel as well at the way the host handles the call. For which he should be fired instantly. There was another way to handle this, of course. Let's see what Jon Stewart would have done: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Fear of a Black C-SPANet Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform
Over the last couple of days, FBI agents have staged a number of raids in Michigan and arrested members of Hutaree, a Christian militia group based there. The Christian Soldiers have been preparing to do battle with "The AntiChrist." which we suspect either the Democratic Party, the Health Care Bill, or Barack Obama himself. Local Militias (Michigan is famous for it's radical Militia groups) claim that they have nothing to do with this "cult." One story is here, and additional reporting here. The latter source points to a reported sequence of internet chat room chatter that is somewhat…