When Was Your Name Popular?

This little app shows you, in graphical form, the time periods when your name was the most popular. If your name is Poindexter, prepare to be disappointed.

(Hat tip to darkman).

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first time visitor, nice grey. obtw, i ued to research in gene mediated delivery via adenovirus.

In the 30s, my name (Joshua) was down at 600th spot in the ranks. In the 70s (I was born in '71) it jumped up to 24th, going from about 100 per million to several thousand. By the mid-80s it was up to more than 10,000 per million and ranked 4th. Now it seems to be ranked higher (3rd), but it's down to about 5,500 per million. I feel like such a trend-setter!

Thanks for stopping in Dior. I also use adenovirus in my work. Although testing out some non-viral methods to achieve the same result.

Very interesting. I was named after my mom's older sister Geraldine Fay Smith who was born in 1916 (killed in 1926, I think) whose name was inspired, I was told, by a famous opera singer of the time, Geraldine Farrar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geraldine_Farrar). Popularity of the name Geraldine was rising in the early part of the century and peaked around 1930, about two decades before I was born.

Looking forward to more stories about your African Grey.

Success!!! Jake is like the most popular name in 2005. Now 10 years from now, people can be like "Your name is Jake. What are you twelve?"

My name, Clement, seemed to reach its peak in popularity back in 1910. That could explain why whenever I tell anyone my name, they always ask me to repeat it.

My given name (to which you are privy) was huge when I was born in 1964 but fell off by the late 70s. In contrast, my blog name, Abel, is really taking off, almost coincident with the start of my blogging - coincidence???