My Fibonacci Poems On Science Creative Quarterly

More shameless self-promoting!

Go check out some of my poetry, based on the Fibonacci sequence, now published in the Science Creative Quarterly (SCQ)!

SCQ is an amalgam of science, creativity, spontaneity, beauty, and absurdity reflected in the written word, operated under the auspices of our very own David Ng of the World's Fair.

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Congratulations - Cool!

I've never heard of that before. Geeky and artsy - hard not to like!

Congrats on being published.

Nice. I like. Now I'll start using adult-sized sentences. I also had not run across Fibonacci poetry before (at least that I recall); it tweaks something in my largely unused geeky brain.

I will add my congrats on your being published. I'll also point out that this means you're taking over the world at a much faster pace than before: publishing in peer-reviewed scientific publications AND getting literature published, too.

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