Great Parrot Escape

He's got cunning and perseverance. And look how proud he is at the end!

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Yes, very proud. Wish I didn't have the headphones on. I keep forgetting how loud the big birds can be. Great video, though. Birds really are amazing creatures. Did you catch PZ's link to that new Inner Bird book? I might have to drive over to the UBC bookstore and get myself a copy!

That was great! Its always fun watching an animal figure something like that out.

By joltvolta (not verified) on 21 Mar 2007 #permalink

this reminds of another amazing bird I saw recently named Betty. In the trial shown in this video clip, Betty and another crow (male) were given a hooked and straight wire to get a small bit of food in a basket at the bottom of a plastic pipe. The male grabbed the hooked wire and flew off with it. So Betty tries the straight wire, realizes it won't work and so improves the tool to make it into a hook. Amazing bird!