New York ScienceBlogging Debacle, I Mean, Meetup

So by now some of you may have heard that SEED threw a nice bash for us ScienceBloggers, and a gaggle of us went up to New York City to do whatever it is that online bloggers do when they get together in real life.

Well, as to the latter, it involved quite a few rounds of shots and then doing Journey on kareoke. Oh wait, thats just what I did. Heh.

Anyway, I just got back late late last night and am officially dead to the world until tomorrow, so I'll be reporting in full about the crazy nerd-soaked weekend I had in New York then.

Now for a nap...


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Crap, I'd have liked to have seen that. And I won't be in NYC until Wednesday.

By Charlie (Colorado) (not verified) on 20 Aug 2007 #permalink

Yeah, it *was* Don't Stop Believin.' Although as PZ noted, this particular rendition made everyone in the room lose the will to live as well as die laughing, simultaneously.