The Tech Awards, presented by Applied Materials, honors individuals, non-profit organizations and for-profit companies who are using technology to significantly improve human conditions in 6 awards categories.
The technology used can be either a new invention or an innovative use of an existing technology.
NBC will be livestreaming the awards ceremony tonight from the Santa Clara Convention center.…
This year's categories are: Environment, Education, Young Innovator, Health, Economic Development, and Sustainable Energy.…
Why Are Environmentalists Taking Anti-Science Positions? by Fred Pearce: Yale Environment 360.
A thoughtful and timely article by freelance author Fred Pearce.
New Earth Archive – The New Earth Archive Booklist.
Raoul and I are honored that Tomorrow's Table was selected as one the top 25 powerful and influential books of 2012 that educate, inspire, and drive change
Each year they identify 100 powerful and influential books on topics like climate change, biology, sociology, economics, politics, psychology, philosophy, and many, many other areas. With the help of their readers, they then identify the 25 that have the power to inspire college readers to change the world. The 6 Criteria below are what was used in selecting the top books for each year’s…
More productive, sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture will require ideas and practices from many different agricultural traditions. The polarised debate over GM - exemplified by measures like California's Proposition 37, which would require GM food to be labelled as such - does little to advance that cause.
Future farms need to use every trick in the book - opinion - 11 October 2012 - New Scientist.
Collide-a-scape » Blog Archive » Collide-a-scape >> A Tale of Two Sciences.
On genetically modified food debate, experts see double standard -
Scientists defend safety of genetically modified foods -
"The tactics of the Dr. Oz show fall short of even the lowest standards of media and medical ethics."
via Letter to Dr. Oz Show Producers by Bruce Chassy, PhD | Academics Review.
The use of poor information to promote an initiative aimed at creating an informed consumer is a defining flaw of the Proposition 37 campaign.
via Hiltzik: Junk science and Proposition 37 -
Are GMO foods safe? Opponents are skewing the science to scare people. - Slate Magazine.
The ‘Frankenfoods’ debate is coming to your dinner table. Just last month, a mini-war developed in Europe, when the European Union’s chief scientist, renowned biologist Anne Glover, said that foods made through genetic engineering, such as soy beans—about 80 percent of US grown soybeans have been genetically engineered —are as safe as organic or conventional foods.
It’s a wholly uncontroversial comment—at least among scientists. But it set off the usual scare mongering from Friends of the Earth, and other like-minded advocacy groups that finds all genetically engineered (GE) foods and crops…
Recently, a number of very informative article about global food security, genetically engineered crops and the CA labeling initiative have been published. Here I provide links to a few:
Food Crises and Technological Phobia « Biofortified.
GMO Crops: To Label Or Not To Label
Scientific and Academic Community Responds to CA initiative on#GMO Labeling …
Stop worrying; start growing - Fagström &al (2012) - EMBO…
Find out more about the man behind the funding for the California Proposition 37 labeling initiative.
"Many of Mercola's articles make unsubstantiated claims and clash with those of leading medical and public health organizations. For example, he opposes immunization [4] and fluoridation [5], and mammography [6]; claims that amalgam fillings are toxic [7]; and makes many unsubstantiated recommendations for dietary supplements. Mercola's reach has been greatly boosted by repeated promotion on the "Dr. Oz Show."
FDA Orders Dr. Joseph Mercola to Stop Illegal Claims.
Endorsement: Prop. 37 is a sour plan for food labeling - Endorsements - The Sacramento Bee.
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering series on Sustainable Agriculture and modern biotechnology #KSLA2012 with tweets · KamounLab · Storify.
A story by Guest Blogger Kay Watt
Rice steamed in the husk and left to dry, then threshed is one of the subtle specialties of the region.
In Panama the rainy season lasts most of the year. Rivers flood, runoff pours down hillsides, and the red clay roads become impassable. Horses strain forward against thick mud rising almost to their chests, soaked riders urging them on. The village of Limón, 300 people and a two-room school house, both depend on and fight against the rain. The small town grew up near a river that used to serve as transportation to the coast. Although the area was…
What Is Life? A 21st Century Perspective | Conversation | Edge.
In February 1943 one of the most distinguished scientists of the 20th Century, Erwin Schrödinger, delivered a seminal lecture, entitled 'What is Life?', under the auspices of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, in Trinity College, Dublin. The then Prime Minister, Éamon de Valera, attended the lecture and an account of it featured in the 5 April 1943, issue of Time magazine.
The lecture presented far-sighted ideas on how hereditary information could be encoded in a chemical structure (aperiodic crystal) in living cells.…
CultureLab: Passing the baton of life - from Schrödinger to Venter.
Journalist Kevin Kloor discusses the spread of disinformation about GMOs The latest, most egregious example is a report with an Orwellian title, “GMO Myths and Truths”
via Collide-a-scape » Blog Archive » Collide-a-scape >> Look Beyond the Scientific Veneer of a GMO Report.
He makes a plea to influential and well-respected scholars like Marion Nestle: Dont be fooled by a scientific veneer.
The History of Sake: Takamine and Today (with tweets) · pcronald · Storify.