
Let's say what we really mean .. Courtesy of the Al Jazeera News station.
This is from the ACT UP protest against Joint Chief of Staff General Pace's bigoted remarks: Not exactly a position paper, but if you're not laughing, you need a humor transplant.
Many people think we silverbacks are kind of dumb - interested only in sex and repelling competing males. Of course, these are important, but so is philosophy. Most of you just don't get it. But a correspondent has sent me this evidence that they get it in Copenhagen... Apparently, according to my informant, Søren Delövenbo Kongstad, this is part of the local Libraries trying to pique people's interests in books by juxtaposing oxymoronic image and idea. Well they truly screwed up in this case, didn't they? Thanks to Søren and his wife who took this pic on her mobile.
Osvaldo_Cavandoli aka Cava, the author of the amazing and hillarious cartoon La Linea, one of my childhood favourites, has died about two weeks ago. Here is the very first episode: There are several more available on YouTube (I just watched about a dozen and laughed out loud). Unlike most of the episodes seen on TV this one below is definitely NSFW (i.e., if your work does not find this safe, you should find a saner employer): The subtitles, in Croatian, are hillarious if you do not understand Italian. [Hat-tip: cicciosax]
href=""> class="inset" alt="" src="" align="left" border="0" height="144" width="144"> face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">I must admit, I am pretty much a spoilsport when it comes to sports.  Even though my colleagues have been stocking up and draining down PRBs all week, and chomping at their bits, and chafing at their straps, and frothing at their mouths, and gnashing at their teeth, and stomping at their feet about the href="…
Continuing Orac's quest for truly stupid quotes from The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar, this time a couple of tasty stupid morsels about free speech: Here's entry number 1, from the February 17, 2007 entry in the calendar: "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"--Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, commenting on the resignation of Dr. Richard Zeller, who wanted to teach a course in how liberalism has led to political correctness. Here's entry number 2, from the July 4, 2001 entry: "What we have is two important…
A while back, I posted a picture of this area's most expensive Pizza, from Pizza House in Ann Arbor.  That one was only about $25.  Now I see there is one that is a wee bit more than that: href="">Meet the $1,000 pizza.. Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:07PM EDT NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York restaurateur has cooked up the most world's most extravagant pizza -- a $1,000 pizza topped with six sorts of caviar and fresh lobster. Nino Selimaj, who runs six pizza restaurants in New York, on Wednesday unveiled his Luxury…
...want Alberto Gonzales to resign?
The playoffs are not even underway in the 2007 Science Spring Showdown, yet already the teams are maneuvering for any advantage they can get.  The match-ups are so even, that everyone knows it is the intangibles that will make a difference.   href=""> alt="" src="" border="0" height="399" width="480"> In the highly-competitive "Chair" Bracket, the world's scientific community has its eyes riveted on the IAU vs. Pluto game.  As href="http…
Australian comedy may be a risky business — didn't they give us both Yahoo Serious and Barry Humphries?1 — but in case you want to chance it, I've been informed by Ben McKenzie, The Man in the Lab Coat, that he'll be doing a comedy lecture show about science this April. Here's a cool thing: he has offered me comp tickets for the opening week. Since nobody is standing up to offer me comp flight tickets to Australia, or comp teaching stand-in to cover my classes while I'm away, he has said I can pass them on to any interested readers who might be willing to travel to Melbourne (surely there…
Happy Pi-day!
So, in the last election, we Minnesotans briefly enjoyed the company of a vampire running for governor. Unfortunately, Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey was arrested before the election and we missed out on the potentially amusing spectacle. Somehow, though, he is now free (damn those cunning vampires!), and is planning to run for president. As a most interesting and admittedly tempting part of his campaign platform, he is promising to impale GW Bush if elected. He's crazy, I wouldn't have given him a chance, but dang if he didn't come up with a vote-getting idea. They're cunning, those vampires…
I've always wondered how to bend spoons with my mind (ok I's never even occurred to me...but whatever). Here are step by step directions on how to accomplish this great feat of mind: 1. Go in your drawer and pick out 10 or so spoons. And lay them out on the table. Use your feeling and let them tell you which spoon will bend. (I know it sounds funny but this is what I did the first time). 2. When you feel you have the right spoon and mind you pick one that is fairly thin to start out with. 3. Hold the spoon vertical and look at it and ask it to bend. Or say you will bend for…
Strangely entrancing....via boingboing
So, we're discussing, in our deep dark headquarters and in between scheming to take over the world, who should play us when the Hollywood film comes out. See below the fold for the choice made for me... It so has to be Tom Selleck. The younger one, of course.
One of my favorite calendars it The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said. Each day, this gem of a calendar provides me with examples of idiotic statements that are truly jaw-dropping. Every so often, when I'm in the mood, I think I'll quote from past editions for your amusement. Today's stupid quote originally appeared on the calendar back to April 1999 (I've been buying this calendar a long time). It was so monumentally stupid that I actually saved the sheet from the date. The quote comes from an advertisement in the Pittsburgh Press, c. 1954: The [hydrogen] bomb's brilliant gleam reminds me of…
According to this streaming video, what the iRack needs is .. more things. . tags: streaming video, satire, humor, politics
I am idly wondering what the best creationist book ever was. Not what best puts the usual creationist canards forward, but which creationist (including ID) book tried to make an intellectually satisfying and honest case. So far I have Wendell Bird's Origin of Species Revisited published about 1983 or so, which was the defendant's brief in McLean v Arkansas. Of course, it's by a lawyer, which doesn't bode all that well. And pretty much anything by Phillip Johnson is suspect for the same reason. But I'm curious. Anyone?
This streaming video shows how much difference one word can make to this nation. . tags: streaming video, humor, politics
Ken Ham and Kent Hovind and their ilk have been trying to appropriate dinosaurs for creationism, so help them out and go along with it. Help yourself to these examples of biblical paleontology. Remember, you don't need to actually know anything to do biblical paleontology—just make it up as you go along. Your only tools are your imagination and photoshop.