
Something Awful has put together a collection of photoshopped Reverse Magazines — this one tickled my fancy.
In my previous post on race-based vitamins where I invoked the bitingly satirical publication, The Onion, I noted something funny about their frontpage photograph that accompanied the article, Man Returns To Place Of Birth To Mate. BTW, it's quite a clever article, as usual: TWIN FALLS, ID--In one of nature's most stirring and mysterious rituals, human male Michael Forrester journeyed back to his place of birth Monday in order to pair off, reproduce, and ensure the propagation of his species. . . . . .With his readiness to mate signaled by a loss of hair around the crown and a swelling of…
They are captioning this over at I did this (obvious) caption before reading the thread.
tags: peeponaut, astropeep, marshmallow peeps, science, space travel, astronomy, Adler Planetarium Astropeep strength training program, part of the selection process for identifying those marshmallow peeps who had "the right fluff". These special peeps would be recruited as peeponauts who would be sent into space on a weather balloon. Image: Adler Planetarium [larger view]. Like most scientists, I am a big fan of marshmallow peeps, which are my favorite experimental animals. So I was thrilled when a friend sent me an absolutely adorable story about a peeponaut -- that special marshmallow…
People have been sending me links to "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog". I was like "wtf? Sounds stupid." Go. Watch. It. NOW! Seriously! Theyre taking it down Sunday night!
I miss Buffy. I miss Mal Reynolds. I really miss Kaylee. Most of all I miss Joss Whedon's sparkling entertainment. So go watch Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog, now!
Stealing this one from Moselio Schachter: A guy walks at night on a beach in California and stubs his toe against an old bottle, which breaks and releases a genie. “I’ll grant you one wish, oh Master,” says the genie. The man replies, “Well, I'd dearly love to go to Hawaii but I hate both airplanes and ships, so would you build me a highway from here to there?” The genie thinks for a moment, then replies, “Indeed, I said you could have one wish, but this one seems nearly impossible. Could you ask for something easier?" The man, being a microbiological sort, says, “OK, can you then tell me…
Courtesy James F in the "Getting Rid of Darwinism" comments
Arachnologist and diplopodologist Dr Jason E Bond at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, is most recently well-known for naming a spider (Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi) after Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, Neil Young. Kristin Day of The Daily Reflector is now reporting that Professor Bond has agreed to name a spider after Stephen Colbert, Comedy Central's host of "The Colbert Report." When news emerged in May that Bond had named a species of trapdoor spider after Neil Young, the biologist could not escape Colbert's web: "Where's my spider? I have lots of animals named after me: turtles,…
Oh, no. I don't know how they got it. I don't know where they got it. But somehow, they got it. Somehow, those advocates of the idea that mercury in vaccines causes autism have gotten a hold of the white paper telling how big pharma fooled everyone about the real mercury content of vaccines! It's a veritable smoking gun! How could our Big Pharma and CDC paymasters have allowed this to happen? Even worse, our plans for using D2O to stabilize vaccines have been exposed! Someone will pay for this. The super-secret vaccine police are now questioning every operative, threatening to pump them up…
Nick Matzke, one of the world's leading experts in detecting absurdities in creationist texts, has discovered a real howler from Casey Luskin. Luskin is complaining that he, Junior Woodchuck lawyer for an intellectually bankrupt propaganda mill, can't find the wrist bones in Tiktaalik when Neil Shubin, world-class paleontologist, is directly describing them. This is, admittedly, a fairly high-level discussion by Shubin, but it's amusing that Luskin isn't tripped up by the science — it's his command of the English language that lets him down. When discussing Tiktaalik's "wrist," Shubin says he…
Language Log has a very nice summary of the reasons why some holes are black, and some are white.
If a black hole is where common sense is lost, is a white hole where we spew out absurdities? To say so seems like blackmail, which only yellow dogs employ, with a niggardly vocabulary. It's a red flag, I tell you! I'm completely browned off. Don't let the MSM whitewash this.
OMG YOU GUYS! You wont BELIEVE the incredible traffic spike I got from a front-page UD link! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! WE. ARE. SCREWED!! Game over, guys! Game over! RUN AWAY!!!!
It's time for the Union of Concerned Scientists' annual scientific integrity editorial cartoon contest. See the candidates and vote for your favorite here. My favorite:
Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency
Ive been trying to make an active effort not to link/quote Associated Press articles since their little temper-tantrum last month. I thought it would be easy, I mean, link to a journal article instead of the crappy AP synopsis. Link to a blogger that was at a 'gay' wedding in CA instead of a chicken-little AP story. Support a real journalist instead of the AP idiots. No big deal, right? Wrong. This has been a lot harder than I previously anticipated. I didnt realize how dependent I was on APs hard hitting journalism. You simply cannot get high quality journalism, like this, anywhere else…
Some days, my mailbox overflows with hilarity…like today. I got the new Roy Zimmerman CD! You should, too! It'll cheer any liberal to realize that you aren't alone, and you've got a theme song. But I also get other mail that's almost as funny, although not intentionally so. For some perverse reason, there are some of you readers out there who think you are making a statement and causing me grief by signing me up for conservative magazines and newsletters. You really shouldn't. You know what happens? It comes in the mail, I flip through it, I laugh, and I toss it in the trash. Then when the…
(Click for larger and more complete image) Not bad, but really, the guy in the glasses ought to be redrawn with a beard.
tags: The Jedi Gym, The Quiddich Gym, humor, silliness, streaming video This is funny -- Darth Vader drops in to the first Jedi Gym to ever be started in the world, and he ruins everything. The survivors, though, refuse to admit defeat: they gather together and start a Quiddich Gym. Harry Potter would be so proud! [6:04]