
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

November 4, 2008
... a Big Fat Idiot more
November 4, 2008
A thirteen year old is brutally raped by three men. Since this constituted sexual relations outside of marriage, she was sentenced to death. She was buried in a hole up to her neck. She pleaded for her life. "Don't kill me. Don't kill me..." she cried. Then fifty men threw stones at her head…
November 4, 2008
Details here.
November 4, 2008
In some states, Republicans have been telling people that Democrats vote Wednesday. No. Today is the last day you can vote. In some states, Republicans have been telling people that if you are a student, you will be arrested or your parent's tax status will change or you'll be turned away if you…
November 3, 2008
I don't want to give you too many carnivals today, because you will be too busy VOTING and doing GOTV stuff all day!!!! The Last Edition of the Carnival to Replace Michele Bachmann. Ever. is at Tangled Up in Blue Guy Berry Go Round #10 is at 10,000 birds. Mendel's Garden #25 is at Evolgen
November 3, 2008
Barack Obama's ailing grandmother died Monday in Hawaii, a day before Obama was to stand election for the presidency, his campaign announced. Madelyn Payne Dunham was 86. The Democratic presidential candidate announced the news in a joint statement with his sister Maya Soetoro-Ng. The statement…
November 3, 2008
Now that we are getting closer and closer to a close, we have recent data to work with, and some of the adjustments I've been making earlier are no longer needed. I am still taking a cautious approach, and in this analysis, Obama has exactly 270 votes. Have a look: I'll probably do at least one…
November 3, 2008
As you know, Webster Cook was Impeached by his school government for his role in Crackergate. Then, the impeachment was overturned. But this meant that he would be re-impeached ... the appellate system does not really overturn an impeachment in this case, but rather, sends it back. So Webster…
November 3, 2008
President: Barack Obama US Senate: Al Franken US House Third District: Ashwin Madia US House Sixth District: El Tinklenberg Minnesota Supreme Court and Appeals Court Seat 3: Anderson Seat 4: Gildea Appeals Court judge Seat 16: Stoneburner Other Judges: No opposition, so no vote from me.…
November 3, 2008
Hmmm.... some's at the front door. I wonder who it is. This time of the year, it is likely to be someone canvassing for a candidate. Well, in that case, I'll answer the door and let them know right away who we'all are voting for so they can move on to the next house quickly and get their GOTV job…
November 3, 2008
One of Norm [Coleman''s] neighbors had an interesting run-in with one of Norm's ex-girlfriends .... This neighbor heard crashing sounds downstairs while he and his family were upstairs. He came downstairs and confronted the woman. She was drunk and thought she was trashing Norm's house. The police…
November 3, 2008
And this is Franken's very mild rebuke in his latest campaign ad: Get Out the Vote!
November 3, 2008
If you don't vote, then ... Shut. Up. Hat Tip: Neuroanthro
November 3, 2008
I knew she was scrappy ... but I had no idea she was so talented in this area! Seriously, this is the best campaign review evah! And it is reasonably short ...
November 3, 2008
... they "got good and drunk" and ... the conversation in the room was "nauseating." They made sexist and racist comments all afternoon long. African Americans were referred to as "darkies." There was a long conversation in which they expounded upon the reasons poor people were poor. The conclusion…
November 3, 2008
The Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival ... the final installment evah! ... is up at Tangled Up in Blue Guy. As Mike says: "Please, don't make us do this again in two years!!!" It is a great web carnival. Go here and enjoy!
November 3, 2008
From CREW's report on the most Corrupt Members of Congress, this bit about Norm Coleman: When in Washington, Sen. Coleman lives in a basement apartment in the Capitol Hill townhouse of Republican operative Jeff Larson. Mr. Larson runs FLS Connect, a telemarketing firm, which has been paid over $…
November 2, 2008
Kapow! ZLOTT!!!! Pow! That is what is going on in the Franken vs. Coleman race with some interesting recent developments that congealed in a Public Radio debate, a new ad by Norm Coleman, and ... wait for it ... a new ad from Al Franken that should be out tomorrow some time. Some real shit is…
November 2, 2008
The Boneyard Web Carnival Needs Your Submissions! Send them HERE!!!! Please do this by Monday at 8:00 PM. Thank you very much, that is all.
November 2, 2008
As requested by Serena: What about Guam????
November 2, 2008
... didn't happen to include any black people. That was later. Look: hat tip Miss Cellania
November 2, 2008
Simple, no matter how dumb your screw up is, just throw a flag over your head and go down on the statue of liberty. You'll be fine.
November 2, 2008
... is all about the terrain. One might assume that Michele Bachmann's idiotic public statements on Hardball would be enough to put her down, metaphorically. It certainly was enough for the RNCCC to pull funding, for the DNCCC to toss in a million on behalf of El Tinklenberg, Bachmann's opponent…
November 2, 2008
Gallup Daily Tracking Poll an ABC poll, a CBS poll, and another poll being reported in USA Today tomorrow morning, according to an editor with the paper speaking seconds ago on Hadrball, show two important things: 1) An Obama lead of 11 to 13 points, and 2) A trend spreading this difference. I…
November 2, 2008
This is a recap of my earlier post of what to watch for in the US Senate Races. We are hoping for a 60 seat Democratic Party presence in the Senate in order to have a filibuster proof majority. Without this, any Republican with a grudge, a bad attitude, a hatred of liberal or progressive idea, or…
November 2, 2008
Why should you vote for Al Franken? Ask Mike: Why Did I Vote for Al Franken?. And see Almost Diamonds to find out why Stephanie is Voting for Al.
November 2, 2008
Two and seven: With two days left until election day, a new national poll suggests that Barack Obama holds a seven-point lead over John McCain in the race for the White House. In the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Sunday morning, 53 percent of likely voters say they are backing…