Neurotransmitter Jewelry, For When You Wanna Let Your Nerd Flag Fly


These are amazingly nerdy-cool. MadeWithMolecules has got a great thing going--serotonin earrings, estogen necklace, even boxer shorts and baby apparel! I would LOVE the serotonin necklace, but alas, I am a poor graduate student.

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If you wear those to Society for Neuroscience, I will so split them with you.

Neurotransmitter very, very hot...


Ha! We truly are nerds to get hot and bothered over this. If i split them with you, does that mean you want to wear them too? Now THAT would be hot! :P

Hells yeah. I had earings in college (and orange hair), but since then I have been doing more of the Brooks Brothers look. But hey, there is always room for a change.

Alack and alas, the boxer shorts are "not currently available." I'm only an ex-chem-nerd, but this kind of stuff still gets me excited. (Of course, I still haven't been able to give up my wallet-sized periodic table.)

I am SO getting these for my ex next Xmas!

By Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 19 Jun 2006 #permalink

I wanted to buy serotonin earrings to my wife for her birthday, but then we went broke...perhaps for the next anniversary.

OT, do you have an archived post - or are you interested in writing one - about your work on The Serial Position Effect in Apis mellifera?

Coturnix, I have not written a post on the SPE in Apis, but I would love to. Thats s great idea. I have been hesitent because it is unpublished, but i think it never will be so oh well. I've been waiting for my old undergrad mentor to do something about it for years, I guess he's too busy. I will do it!

Great! Can't wait!

And, once it is published on SEED scienceblogs, who can dare try to scoop you? It is as good as published.

I noticed that my bewailing made it to the SB mega-quote. It sounds like I'm begging someone to buy it for me. :) (Ok, maybe i am.....)

Never refuse jewelry!

Your lab page is linked from your Profile - the very first link! There is a list of References at the bottom (as if I need to remind you what is on YOUR webpage!).

Ah, it's funny the way SEED puts it: "You could always wear your heart on your sleeve. Now wear your serotonin around your neck, your glucose on your chest and your testosterone where it feels most at home."

And congrats - you are a source of TWO of today's SEED links there.