Shelley Does Sick.......

I'm sick. Note to self: eating Taco Bell and then drinking NOT a good idea. Somebody leave me some links to cheer me up........:(


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I wish more bloggers would read and bookmark this post (I don't know when I first wrote it, but I moved it up top on April 20, 2006): This is an old post but I wanted to bring it up to top as I recently saw some blogs shut down improperly, i.e., deleting the complete content. Every now and then a…

Art Alexakis of Everclear v. Bill O'Reilly.

O'Reilly thinks that people are going to confuse Everclear's made up fictional Jesus with the real Jesus. At long last, the irony meters have finally met their match.

Cat And Girl reminds me of Homer reading the Gary Larson calendar: "I don't get it.......I don't get it......I don't get it......I.....don't get it." Here>> is the funniest lab report I've ever seen, enjoy!

Check out the 9 Aug cover of the local indy rag here in Pharmboy/Coturnix-land:

And, seriously:

Why? I joke with you all the time, but give him a couple of years more to develop lyrically so as not to piss off young ladyfolk such as yourself. His musicianship is impeccable and Martin does not just make and name a new guitar model after any lilywhite wunderboy. I'll buy you a copy of 'Continuum' when it comes out next month. Mark my words: he will be the Clapton of our generation.

Feel better, my friend - more Gatorade, less Red Bull.

You're supposed to do the drinking first, then the Taco Bell.

* Google Maps flight simulator by Mark Caswell-Daniels.

* Here's a video of a kid getting spun in a clothes dryer.

* URL says it all:

* This one may be a guy thing: it's an animation of the He-Man characters recreating the Bohemian Rhapsody video.

All of these links come from the b3ta newsletter, a must for any aspiring slacker.

By igor eduardo kupfer (not verified) on 13 Aug 2006 #permalink

I'm sick. Note to self: eating Taco Bell and then drinking NOT a good idea.

Uh-oh, sounds like you swallowed the worm.

Camera obscura

Pop vs. soda

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 13 Aug 2006 #permalink

Not really for the "I forgot about the first cardinal rule of drinking - no Taco Bell within 4 hours" type feeling bad, but when I get annoyed with my monkeys, this helps (beware sounds):
And in case you need to be educated on the TRUE nature of the universe, ID is just the beginning...

Oh man. There's only supposed to be ONE Brandon per blog. You, sir, will have to change your name. :P

It's disturbing how many links pop up when you search Google for:
parrot AND blender

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 13 Aug 2006 #permalink

Thanks for all the links guys, those are some gems!!!
Although I can't decide which is scarier, the parrot + blenders google search, or that Abel is giving love to John Mayer on this blog! :)

That pop vs soda thing is hilarious! I moved from a 'coke' region to a 'pop' region and get made fun of constantly for it. I end up getting real coke here a lot more often cause no one asks me 'what kind' like they do in the south.

The Bush/Kerry video made me spit out my Coke. Did Kerry really get 3 purple hearts? Holy shit!

Brandon, I fear for the sanity of your monkeys. :P

I love Cat and Girl now! Thanks! And that Grow game kept me busy for an hour.

You guys rock!

p.s. Everyone knows you are supposed to eat frozen pizzas or hot dogs from the local convenience store after getting drunk.

Oh, how I miss the old days. : )

Kids waking up at 6am tend to discourage getting wasted and partying until the wee hours of the morning.