The Inner Life of A Cell

All of cellular biology in a nutshell. Some interesting aspects of mammalian cell biology in slick animated form. Beautiful and informative.

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Well, it's very good at showing part of what happens during diapedesis, but I don't know about "all of cellular biology in a nutshell."

Well, I was kind of hoping that that video would be it and I could be done with my PhD now, instead of it being years away.

It's a reasonable summary of some of the things that go on in a mammalian cell. A better title for this article would be "The Inner Life of a Mammalian Cell."

Other kinds of cells are bacterial cells (prokaryotes), fungi, and plants. I try to fight against the mammal-centric bias that's so common among medical researchers. We need to get the word out that there's more to biology than just humans and their close relatives.

There is?

hey..totally unrelated to this subject...just wanted to let you know that steve pinker is going to be on the colbert report...check it out guys!!

By Vijayachandra … (not verified) on 07 Feb 2007 #permalink