
So said Seth Grahame-Smith on Tuesday about the Paris Hilton video that responds to John McCain's ad comparing she and Britney Spears to Barack Obama. I first saw the video when I was going to respond to a very nice comment here by Lisa Emrich, blogger at Brass and Ivory, musician extraordinaire, and founder of the Carnival of MS Bloggers. (btw, Brass and Ivory is widely regarded as one of the premiere sites not only for information on MS but, perhaps even more so, as providing tremendous insight on living with a disability - Lisa is a terrific writer). So rather than post the video here, go…
Microbiologist develop some strange habits when it comes to food. Some take a fatalistic approach. They reason that microbes are everywhere, we're going to die anyway, we might as well eat dirt and make antibodies. You know these people. They quote things like the "10 second rule" when food drops on the floor, tell you we're all getting asthma because we're too obsessed with cleanliness, and let their dogs wash their dishes. Eeew. With a few possible exceptions, I'm in the other camp. I'm the one who freaks out if the cover is left off the salad dressing during dinner. I brush my…
Eight more reasons here.
Who knew that water droplets suspended in the air could could refract light and produce a rainbow? It can't be. Why, it must be…a government conspiracy! This never happened before! See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. You might also enjoy this collection of real church signs. My favorite is "A 4 inch tongue can bring a 6 foot man to his knees." Sometimes, there is truth in these aphorisms.
I realize half the world has probably seen this, given that it's been making the rounds on the Internet last week, but it amused me to no end: - Watch more free videos Don't mess with Leonardo. Or is it Leonardo? Or Raphael? Or Donatello? No doubt this little guy is protecting Master Splinter from the evil cat.
Everyone knows that the White House has been forcing scientists to only talk about research that conforms with GW's agenda, and the political cartoonists have been busily committing these shameful lies to paper in a form that we all can appreciate. One of those cartoons is pictured above. Thanks to a blog pal of mine, now is your opportunity to choose your favorite cartoon in the Union for Concerned Scientists' Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest. They have 12 cartoons there for you to choose between -- good luck! I am still trying to figure out which one I want to vote for (the…
The gang at Bakersfield that ran one of the polls we contributed to has noticed, and they feel violated. Mildly. And with a little good humor. I guess we'll have to do it again sometime!
Sadly, I haven't seen any good pareidolia stories lately, you know, stories in which someone, usually Jesus, Mary, or the Pope (or sometimes Elvis, who, let's face it, is basically the same thing as Jesus, Mary, or the Pope), shows up as a seeming image on some sort of object or other. It can be a piece of sheet metal, a tree, under an expressway underpass, and even on a dog on his--well, best not to say. Cats, of course, felt left out in this pareidolia arms race. Consequently, one cat decided it was time to take action, as CNN reports. That's right! It's the Jesus Cat (not to be confused…
tags: Canadian Apology, humor, politics, streaming video This streaming video shows a truly Canadian apology for all the "wrongs" they have commited towards the U.S. [2:27]
Im going to try to be as nice about this as I can: If you missed 'Dr. Horrible' the first time around, you better not make the same mistake twice. You have to deal with commercials now, but thats your own goddamn fault. Watch it, or deal with the wrath of ERV. Embedded below the fold: More viewing options (high res, pop-out, etc) available at Hulu.
Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead Part 2: In Shocking 2-D:
Now it's against gravity... “Too many scientists have been afraid to speak out against the powerful gravity lobby,” said Crowther. “With Intelligent Motion, we are looking forward to imposing balance on yet another heavy-handed field of science.”
You may remember Edmondson as the creator of the Beware the Believers viral video — he took a little time to immortalize a recent event. Richard Dawkins gets lucky in this one.
tags: dinosaurs, Tardosaurus, paleontology, fossils, Noah's Ark, religion, godlessness Image: Orphaned (please send the original artist's information to me so I can properly attribute and link back to this person) Inspired by the recent unveiling of the Tarbosaurus in Japan, I had to include this dinosaur for the creationists, the newly unveiled Tardosaurus, which single handedly (?) destroyed Noah and his ark full of animals.
A Floridan neighborhood was surprised yesterday when after heavy rain, catfish started walking around their street. Of course, the fish were quick to point out that this doesn't prove evolution is possible, as they all went to the local Baptist church...
tags: comedy, humor, Robin Williams, streaming video Yesterday was Robin Williams' 57th birthday, so I have dug up a video of him performing at the Met, back when he was still funny. There is some not safe for work language in this performance, so be sure to not share this video with your boss. Williams talks about alcohol and marijuana a lot in this video. [7:59]
These are funny! (via PZ):