
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

February 12, 2007
This is one of the photographer's favorite photos of a jumping spider. She discovered the spider inside of a cicada exuviae on the underside of a milkweed leaf. Again, the photographer is not certain of the species. Can anyone else identify this species? Image: Bev Wigney. As long as you send…
February 12, 2007
Click for larger image in its own window. This picture is a visualisation of the entire tree of life. The tree of life (cellular organisms) has three main branches; The bacteria (unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus) which are in focus in this picture and represented by orange nodes. The…
February 12, 2007
The official God FAQ is now available for your reading pleasure. . tags: godlessness, God FAQ, humor
February 12, 2007
Charles Foley, a biologist for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has been searching for a legendary white giraffe in Tarangire National Park, Africa, since 1993. "By 1994 the sightings stopped coming in, so I assumed it had died, either at the hand of man or beast," Foley said in a WCS…
February 12, 2007
Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis. Image: by kind permission of Seve Round. People Helping Birds In an innovative measure to save endangered vultures, Nepalese conservationists have set up clean feeding centres where the large fliers can have their favourite food that is free from killer toxins.…
February 11, 2007
The photographer writes, "Shot from the hip in a flower patch in the aviary at Wickham Park. Most of the tulips had bloomed at this point, but this one was still a little shy. Because I'd been looking for birds, I had the 135 and the 2x TC on there, hence the lovely depth of field." Image:…
February 11, 2007
This streaming video is a variant of the old baseball joke, but it's still funny.
February 10, 2007
Researchers revealed that grocery store shopping cart handles are one of the worst public places for germs. How germy can shopping carts really be? Very, according to researchers at the University of Arizona who tested all kinds of public surfaces. They found that shopping carts were loaded with…
February 10, 2007
Moon over Yosemite Valley. Image: Jim Norton. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the grandeur of the natural world and that there is a world out…
February 10, 2007
I stumbled across a little test that diagnoses which world leader you are most like. Since I share my test results with you, (below the fold), I hope that you share yours with me. Yes, non-Americans can also take this test. What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by
February 10, 2007
Below the fold is an amusing video of what happened when Barbara Boxer tried to get an answer from Condoleezza Rice regarding how many casualties we can expect from the surge. . tags: streaming video, condoleezza rice,humor, satire, politics
February 9, 2007
This interactive game is a great educational tool, teaching you how various legal and illegal drugs work in the brain. Have you ever wondered how various drugs work in the brain to produce the symptoms they do? Well, this wonderful interactive website, Mouse Party, shows you the molecular…
February 9, 2007
This Southern Copperhead, Agkistrodon contortrix, was basking in the late-afternoon sun on an unpaved road in the Big Thicket in Texas, in early April 2004. Image: Biosparite. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership…
February 9, 2007
Manduca sexta, the tobacco hornworm hawkmoth, in flight. Image: A. Hinterworth. Researchers have discovered that moth antennae have gyroscope-like sensors to help them control their flight through the air. Because they fly at night, the source of their smooth and graceful flight was a mystery…
February 9, 2007
Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley found that women who sniffed androstadienone (pictured, left), a chemical found in male sweat, experienced elevated levels of cortisol, an important hormone, along with higher sexual arousal, faster heart rate and other effects.…
February 9, 2007
The Liverpool Women's Hospital in Britain has appealed for public help with knitting the "woolly breasts" that they use to show new mothers how to breastfeed and how to express milk, especially for premature babies that are in the hospital. These knitted versions are cheaper that the latex model…
February 9, 2007
The 11th edition of Mendel's Garden is now available. This blog carnival celebrates the best of genetics writing in the blogosphere. . tags: blog carnival, genetics
February 8, 2007
I know that all my readers make frequent journeys to exotic places, so I thought I might suggest something that you can use to keep your cash and small valuables safe from theft -- in any country! The "Brief Safe" is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small…
February 8, 2007
Did you hear the one about the NYC cabbie who returned a suitcase full of diamond rings to a Texas woman who only gave him a 30-cent tip on a $10.70 fare? No, I am serious. It really happened here in NYC. Then, after the cabbie went to some time and expense to return the loot, she gave him a check…
February 8, 2007
Julia Longwing Butterfly, Dryas julia. Image: Biosparite. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the grandeur of the natural world and that there is a…
February 8, 2007
The 42nd edition of I and the Bird is now available. I and the Bird is a blog carnival that focuses on wild birds in the blogosphere; ornithology, birding and bird photography. . tags: birds, blog carnival, nature
February 8, 2007
There are a few people out there whom I want to thank for their kindnesses. First of all, I want to thank Dave Rintoul for giving me the honor of showing some of his photography on my blog as the "Image of the Day". As if this was not enough, he also sent me a birthday gift of books .. two books by…
February 8, 2007
I found this nifty little quiz that tries to diagnose where you are from in the USA based on how you pronounce certain words. Okay, I show you my results below the fold, so the least you can do is show me yours, too! By the way, I am curious to know how the Aussies and Brits score on this quiz, too…
February 7, 2007
Orphaned image. Contact me for proper credit.
February 7, 2007
Female jumping spider, unknown species. Can any of you readers ID the species? "A female guarding her egg case. She was so very cute," the photographer says. "I could tell she was a little fearful, but wasn't about to abandon her egg case." Unfortunately, the photographer didn't get an ID for…
February 7, 2007
I grew up in the state of Washington, and always thought that the west side of the state was politically liberal, however, things are looking mighty strange in that state because of an intitiative that would require all married couples to have kids within three years of saying "I do" or their…
February 7, 2007
Two skeletons from the Neolithic period locked in a tender embrace were found by Archaeologists buried outside Mantua, only 25 miles south of Verona, the romantic city where Shakespeare set the star-crossed tale of "Romeo and Juliet." The burial site was recently located during construction work…
February 7, 2007
JK Rowling (pictured) has been writing her phenomenal Harry Potter series for 17 years, and it will finally come to an end when her seventh and last book is released on 21 July 2007. How does she feel about that? "I always knew that Harry's story would end with the seventh book, but saying…
February 6, 2007
Three amateur paleontologists discovered more than 100 fossilized eggs of dinosaurs in a remote area in a central Indian state, a news report said. The explorers also found footprints of the dinosaurs through which they could also trace the "track way" of the now extinct animals, said Vishal Verma…
February 6, 2007
Red-banded Hairstreak, Calycopis cecrops. 29 June 2005. Houston, Texas. Image: Biosparite. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the grandeur of the…