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December 9, 2009
You might have guessed this was coming. My blogging frequency has dropped off dramatically this year, particularly this semester. I keep writing "yep, I haven't died yet - I'll tell you all about what I'm doing sometime, really" posts, and not ever following up. Other signs have included.... I…
December 8, 2009
One of my colleagues Amy Slaton (a historian of engineering and engineering education at Drexel) has started a new blog in conjunction with the completion of her new book, Race, Rigor and Selectivity in U.S. Engineering: The History of an Occupational Color Line. Her work is brilliant --…
December 6, 2009
Okay. It's been another month since I blogged. But since I last wrote, my dad wrote the family holiday letter and asked me how many places I've traveled to. Here's the list. January To Detroit to look at the SWE Archives To RTP for ScienceOnline2009 February To Arizona, invited to a workshop…
December 6, 2009
On December 6, 1989, an armed gunman named Marc Lepine entered an engineering classroom at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec. He demanded all 48 men in the class leave the room, lined up all 9 women against a wall, and, shouting "You are all a bunch of [expletive] feminists!", proceeded to…
November 2, 2009
Folks, I don't know what to tell you. It's like I don't even remember how to blog anymore. I think I've posted 2 real posts in 2 months. I have ideas stacked up in my head for posts - a post from FIE 2009, a post from SWE including the cool "Father Knows Best" episode where Betty decides to be…
October 26, 2009
Folks, we are heading into the home stretch for Donors Choose, and you've helped 1084 kids get access to books they wouldn't have had without your help. That's great. But we can do better. So.... 24 Sciencewomen blog readers have already donated $1517 to needy projects, and if you can help us…
October 14, 2009
I had a realization over the weekend, as I contemplated the enormity of the amount of work I had to do, and the scant allowance of time in which to do it. I have suddenly realized why (at least junior) faculty can be so horrible to their graduate students and post-doctoral staff. It comes down to…
October 13, 2009
Hi, I'm Alice. It's been 11 days since I last blogged. Things have been busy over the last couple of weeks - even more than usual. I started listing out the stuff I've been doing, but rather than making me feel like I had gotten a lot done, it was just making me tired, so I deleted it. Instead, I…
October 2, 2009
I'm digging out of a mound of to-dos, but wanted to make you aware of two opportunities to explore feminist pedagogies and research methods in engineering education at the 2009 FIE later this month. Note participation in the workshop requires advance registration. Please share this notice with…
September 25, 2009
A few weeks ago, a post-doc and I were walking past the Physics building on campus when we saw some beautiful yellow fungi coming out of a tree. Little did I know that, later that week, I would actually *eat* those fungi. And I haven't died yet. My friend and colleague Donna Riley is visiting…
September 23, 2009
I'm late in tooting the horn for Mad Chemist Chick, the current host of Scientiae for the October posting. (OMG, how is it way into late September already? Yikes.) Her theme for this month: "The Road Not Taken." She writes: Was there a point in your career or research where you were faced with…
September 23, 2009
Look what showed up in my most recent issue of the NWSA Journal (NWSA=National Women's Studies Association)? I'm in print! W00T! This co-authored paper is in the current issue, which is a special issue on "Inclusive Science" that came out of this conference last summer. I'm pleased to be in the…
September 22, 2009
While it is hard to go back to the daily slog of the semester after having a more freewheeling summer, I do like the fact that you can set all kinds of new academic patterns. Like an Academic New Year, as my friend Julie put it. One of my academic new year resolutions: get some data collected on…
September 21, 2009
Are you a person in industry who is thinking about a transfer into academia? This ADVANCE-sponsored program might be something you're interested in: Our first annual On-Ramps into Academia Workshop will take place this October 18-20th, 2009 in Seattle, Washington. The purpose of this workshop is…
September 21, 2009
Friday was our 5th wedding anniversary. :-) Can I just say? I think living in the same place has been good for us; way better than being 213 miles apart. We had a weekend packed with festivities, including: Ordering take-out sushi and watching the last few episodes of season 1 of Mad Men (I…
September 16, 2009
We found a new friend at the dog shelter this weekend. I have been "between dogs" since my family's beloved Psyche (our beagle who was attacked by the cougar) died of lymphoma in 2004. Here's Psyche on Christmas 2003 (and me with really really long hair): My husband has never had any pets, and I'…
September 14, 2009
It is that season again, where NSF-CAREER awards are being announced left right and center. In my world, there are three in particular to celebrate: Dr. Julie Trenor, assistant professor in the Department of Science and Engineering Education at Clemson University, whose grant is titled "Influence…
September 12, 2009
A couple of weeks ago, I "attended" a webinar hosted by WEPAN (Women in Engineering ProActive Network) on their recently unveiled Knowledge Center. I had never participated in a webinar -- I called up a conference call phone number, and logged into a website, and saw what the presenters had on…
September 8, 2009
On Sunday, Academic posted the newest edition of Scientiae, focusing on "inspiration and desparation." Head over and read it!
September 8, 2009
Mmmm...wasn't a 3-day weekend marvelous? (Except for those of you at institutions which don't observe Labor Day, or choose to observe it by having ununionized people labor). We did all manner of fun things including canning tomatoes, dropping by a music festival, and weeding. :-) Of course, now…
September 6, 2009
A reader recently sent in the following question: Hi Ladies -- I've been reading your blog for most of my graduate career, and am currently beginning my first post-doc position. I've got a question for your readers, and I'm dying to know if anyone's really come up with a good solution for it. How…
September 5, 2009
New Scibling Anne Jefferson (welcome, Anne! We are neglect in our scibling hospitality, so sorry!) who blogs over at Highly Allochthonous has called out for a last hurrah for women geoscientists to fill out a survey about reading or writing blogs. Please do wander over and complete it, won't you…
September 1, 2009
I don't know about you, but here at Purdue, the administration is doing everything it can to freak us all out about the prospect of a flu pandemic. We're getting emails about how we need to figure out ways to cover class material if the university closes, we need ways to contact our students with…
August 30, 2009
I just had my 2nd "Sunday meeting with myself." I looked back at my list from last week, and was thrilled to be able to cross almost everything off. It helped to map tasks onto my available schedule, although I completely underestimated how much time I needed for class prep this week. I'll get…
August 30, 2009
Whew, we've survived the first week of school. Only 1 week in, and I'm already overwhelmed: 25 things on my Omnifocus list of things to do, and one of them, due Wednesday, is "revise paper." Yikes. No wonder I'm blogging first. I decided during our road trip that I was giving short shrift in my…
August 27, 2009
A missive from FairerScience blog guru Pat Campbell: Want a job? This is not a title you see much in this economy; but we and our partners at Northwestern have two job openings: Social Science Research Associate (5 years). and Social Scientist Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow (2 years). I am…
August 26, 2009
The September Scientiae announcement is up, to be hosted by Academic (w00t! another engineer blogger!) over at her place, Journeys of an Academic. She has announced the theme: "Inspiration or Desperation?" with a submission date of September 4, so really you have no time to procrastinate. Just…
August 25, 2009
A realization had over dinner, looking up "cream cheese" and "fromage frais" on our new iPhones: the iPhone is the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. At least while attached to Wikipedia. That's got to be work an app -- something with "Don't Panic" in large friendly letters on the front. I'm not…
August 25, 2009
One of the things I thought about on our road trip was the role that blogging plays in my life. In case it hasn't been totally obvious, I have not had much of a blogging groove over the summer, despite the appearance of more time. I realized that I need to actually build in blogging time into my…
August 23, 2009
As usual, I find myself at the beginning of a semester trying to figure out how to balance my life a bit more better, and perhaps contradictorily, how I can structure my days better to be able to find time to recharge. Because of my work with ADVANCE, I'm interested in understanding the work…