
A reader sent the following to my blog e-mail address but under my meatspace name. So much for pseudonymity. Here's the version with my 'nym: And am I the only one who wonders if Mrs Walsh is PhysioProf's mother?
If you're partial to humor about demons (and all you atheists — you know you are), check out DEMONS, a webcomic, sort of. It's an interesting way to use YouTube, and I also rather like the mockery of Faithmole.
Waits is one of the few people I admire almost without reservation, even including the industrial blues. A comment quoted on a passing web site was "We are monkeys with money and guns", leading me via Google to this wonderful interview at NPR a few months back. Read it. I have cited his version of Somewhere as the best of all time, in a philosophy article.
From here, hat tip Jason Grossman
I probably shouldn't find this amusing, but... Back a few years ago, a friend of mine worked at a biotech company in Seattle that had large windows looking out onto Puget Sound. They always cheered when the Navy ships came in, 'cause they knew it meant they'd have more work. Tom Joe has a funny post about the same topic, with a different twist. He's not talking about learning your status through any sort of laboratory test. He suggests using e-mail. UPDATE: Since Bora pointed out the PLoS article in the comments, I thought I should add some of the pictures from the article. I love the…
Consider the following: 23% approve of George Bush as president. 28% do not know that the earth travels around the sun. Discuss.
tags: politics, humor, satire, why did the chicken cross the road A friend set this to me, asking me if he was the last person to read this important philosophical essay. Well, apparently not, because I have never read this, either. But I found it amusing anyway. Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? BARACK OBAMA: The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a change! The chicken wanted change! JOHN McCAIN: My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road. SARAH PALIN:…
So, as many of my readers and all of my friends know, I am a moral vacuum. I routinely brush those earnest young folk aside who seek my signature on their morally worthy petitions with that statement - they usually stand there blinking. I mean, what do you do? Run after the psychopath and try to reason with him? Just try it, young fellow... Anyway, in a self-conscious attempt to make up for this, see below the fold. Janet has done all Seed stablemates proud by attempting to get us to donate to DonorsChoose. Since it's an American thing, and I am not American, I have chosen to not get…
YAAAAAY!!! The EXPELLED DVD is coming out soon!! EXPELLED! Starring, BEN STEIN! Featuring, BEN STEIN! "FOUR STARS! I Love This Film!"-- BEN STEIN! heeeeeeeehehehehe! BEN STEIN!!!! **JAZZHANDS** Well, I encourage you all to go to EXPELLEDs website to vote in their poll: "Do you think Darwin's theories are OUTDATED? Yes, No, Maybe" For real! Go on over and vote-- but come back here when youre done. You see, Im going to prove to everyone (including James Randi!) I am psychic. No matter how many of you vote... No matter how many of you vote for Yes/No/Maybe... I know what the outcome of…
This routine will not fly, not even if you are Republican.
Do you remember the 80s, when MTV actually played music videos, and pop bands all had weird concept videos that didn't seem to have much to do with the song, but were just productions to make you look at them? How about this: imagine if the lyrics of the song actually told the story portrayed in the video. You might get something like these renditions of Tears for Fears and A-ha. I laughed. Especially at "I'm gunna kick some ass with my own pipe wrench." Pipe wrench fight!
I got this email during the wee hours and thought I'd share it with you (with my editorial rewrites); Dear Red States: We're leaving. We will form our own country and we're taking all the other Blue States with us. If you aren't aware, the Blue States include California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. Even Florida and Ohio are seriously considering joining us -- we've given them until November 4th to decide. We believe this split will be beneficial to both newly-formed nations, and we know we'd be happier and we sincerely think…
This about sums it up for me:
Tina Fey opened Saturday Night Live last night. It would have been much funnier if they'd left that awful vice presidential candidate out of the sketch altogether.
Noted without further comment:
Wednesday nights battle was epic. I cant believe its over. Congratulations Leanne Marshall!!! Oh. And that other brawl-- that was pretty fun too! "Womens health. PFF!"
tags: Vote McCain, election2008, Hayden Panettiere, humor, satire, politics, streaming video Hayden Panettiere Public Service Announcement: Three requests for Americans: smoke cigarettes, vote for John McCain, and don't wear seatbelts (and this includes an offensive (but appropriate) word, so don't play it when your boss might overhear) [0:47]