
At least there seems to be one in Montana: candidate Roy Bown was accused of being…a vegetarian. "I am not and have never been a vegetarian," Brown said. "I am disgusted by the baseless allegation that I am a vegetarian and that my personal eating habits should somehow be construed as opposed to the economic interests of Montana's livestock industry." So…would a compromising photo in Montana be one catching a politician eating peas and carrots? Are cholesterol levels and a history of heart attacks advantages in races there?
I have a bit of a love-hate thing going for Keith Olbermann of MSNBC news. On the one hand, when he takes down Bill O'Reilly for defaming U.S. troops or Sarah Palin for anti-science idiocy, I have to admit, he's effective and sometimes even amusing. However, like some others, I often find him diving too far into meanness, becoming in essence a left-wing version of Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. That's why I found this SNL parody particularly amusing: I used to kind of like Keith Olbermann. These days, though, I tend to find him to be almost as much of a blowhard as any rightwing pundit--…
tags: Sarah Palin, politics, satire, humor, streaming video Sarah Palin has such a good idea to put the federal checkbook online -- it's such a good idea that Coburn (R), Obama (D) and McCain (R) already beat her to it .. in 2006. Like, duh! But I shouldn't criticize Sarah because she gives hope to all brain dead poodles that they too, may one day become vice president. [0:53]
tags: Sarah Palin, politics, satire, humor, streaming video Sarah Palin: This streaming video provides an overview of her experience that makes her the most qualified human being in America to be the vice presidential candidate for the Republican ticket. This shows that all Republicans with an IQ over 100 have wisely abandoned the party long ago [5:38]
tags: Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin's Kanye West remix, politics, satire, humor, music video, streaming video Sarah Palin is a contestant on the new game show, Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader? [1:07]
At the time of writing the vote was evenly split four ways between A Moose, Immanuel Kant, Saul Kripke, and any Four Dimensionalist. Beat the tie now by voting. [Hat tip to Leiter]
How can we lose? We're Democrats, I'm sure we'll think of a way! One easy way would be if you don't get out and vote. So do it, already. By the way, my wee little brother Jim also got together with Roy Zimmerman on his 50 47 state tour, and got a picture to prove it. I was also told that Jim tried to watch Expelled, and fell asleep halfway through it.
tags: Sarah Palin, Prankin Sarah Palin, politics, satire, humor, streaming video Sarah Palin is as stupid and gullible as she is arrogant and .. erm, intellectually gifted -- don't forget this when you are standing in the polling booth tomorrow [6:02]
tags: Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin's Kanye West remix, politics, satire, humor, music video, streaming video Sarah Palin sings a song about Barack Obama .. "he's a hypnotizer" .. [2:29]
I've had this on my office door for four years now.
Well, you crash your server with requests for free software, don't you? Hopefully I'm not adding to the problem, but Codeweavers offered a free copy of their *nix and Mac OS X WINE-based Windows emulator CrossOver, which needs no copy of Windows unlike the other virtualisers I have (Parallels and VM Ware Fusion): This offer started as a pointed joke at George W. Bush's expense: the Great American Lame Duck Presidential Challenge. In the Challenge, which CodeWeavers launched in July, the company said it would provide its software for free in the unlikely event that under Bush's…
tags: Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin's Kanye West remix, politics, satire, humor, music video, streaming video As if real life isn't frightening enough, this video shows Sarah Palin's hot new Kanye West remix that should give you nightmares long after voting day has ended [2:05]
A friend of a friend is a comedian/singer in NYC, Ben Lerman. Ben hatched a nefarious plot to stop Proposition Hate-- To quote Margaret Cho, "Behind every gay man is a steadfast and supportive fag hag" (show of hands, who took a gay boy to prom in high school?). To capitalize on this historical bond, Ben wrote a goofy battle cry: Cocksuckers of the World Unite (mp3). Straight girls, want to make sure your boyfriends/husbands get out to vote against Prop Hate on Nov 4th? Propose a simple scenario to him: If it passes, no more blow jobs. HELL NO! WE WONT BLOW!
tags: Sarah Palin, clothes, politics, satire, humor, Palin's wardrobe, streaming video Sarah Palin has ten excuses for why the American people should not be offended that she spent $150,000 on new clothes and shoes and hair cuts and expensive shit like that when we are losing our jobs, our health insurance, and our houses [1:21]
...the Mad Biologist needs more expensive prime rib. One of the initiatives on the Massachusetts ballot is Proposition 1, which calls for the abolition of the MA income tax. You might be surprised to read that the Mad Biologist is urging you to vote for Proposition 1. In MA, the income tax accounts for roughly forty percent of all revenue while the property tax collects roughly the same amount. So what would happen if we removed the income tax? Well, in light of the massive budget shortfalls MA is already facing, local property taxes would have to rise to make up the shortfall--if Florida…
I wouldn't mind if my corpse found utility in scaring small creationist children.
This is going to cause some uncomfortable moments in atheist circles — after Richard Dawkins' death and resurrection, he's now going around performing miracles. This is very awkward. I know! I'll just have to stop believing in him, and instead put my faith in Daniel Dennett, who would never…oh, wait.
The Grauniad has a front page item pinpointing the real cause of the economic crises of the part 30 years: the Australian/British group, AC/DC, or Acker-dacker as we call them here. Because when pants hems move up, the FTSE moves down, you know... I always knew Australia was the root cause of the decline of the west.
Readers: if you haven't eaten lately, hover your mouse over the Snowflake avatar to the left. Give it a bit of time and you will see what I look like when I shave. Clicking on it merely takes you to Barcelona Zoo's page on my avatar.
I love golden orb spiders - they are among the prettiest spiders you will find in Queensland, and the largest [click on the pic for information]. You'll come across them in the oddest places, too. I once nearly stepped on one on a footpath (sidewalk to non-English speakers) in the business center of Brisbane. I shepherded it to safety, of course. Now their reputation has taken a hit: just because someone photographed one eating a mid sized bird that got caught in its web. Sure, they can get bigger than your hand, but they aren't aggressive, and their trick is to spin a really strong web.…