
Unfortunately, I'm going to be ensconced in my Sanctum Sanctorum most of the day, pounding out text far less fun than the text I like to pound out for Respectful Insolence. However, I have to admit that this video sums up the attitude behind a whole lot of woo that I like to apply a skeptical deconstruction to--with music!
Okay, I was slightly distracted by my Seattle visit and lost track of the Parody Wars, which are being fought with an evil scientist who resides in Finland. This scientist sent an attack across the ocean this past week, thinking that he can scare me into submission with videos of William Shatner singing a variety of songs (yes, this is scary, I'll admit), or Britney Spears singing "Satisfaction" (even worse that Shatner), or a variety of other assaults included in his fuselade. However, I claim the ultimate victory with this truly terrifying video that tops everything he could possibly think…
tags: politics, election, debates, Sarah Palin, the sad truth, humor Did anyone see what was written on Sarah Palin's index card that she had with her at last night's debate? It appears that, in her excitement to hold a baby so she could score some "hockey mommy" points with the electorate, she forgot her little card on her podium where the janitor later found it. What was on that card? See below; Image: ph33 and loathing [larger view].
This flow-chart comes from here (I see it all over the web, unattributed):
A streaming review of Bill Maher's new film, Religulous, that is being released TODAY. I totally must see this film, and I must get the DVD, too! [4:23]
Comedian Bill Maher takes on religion in his new film, "Religulous." He tells Harry Smith that religion can be laughed at, and for good reason. This is a film for everyone who is afraid that the Sarah Palins of the World will take over. This film is scheduled for release TODAY (3 October 2008) [4:03]
Bill Maher discusses his film, Religulous, with Larry King. Part of this movie was filmed on location in Heaven. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [7:58]
I want to go see Religulous SO BADLY, and today, I heard an interview on "Fresh Air" on WNYC with Bill Maher [MediaPlayer: 2:51] where he discussed the making of this film. This film is scheduled for release on 3 October 2008 [2:12]
My apologies, dear readers, for having little time to write proper natural products content. I just got home and was watching Olbermann with the Family Pharmboy where clips from Tina Fey's faux Katie Couric interview were mashed up with Sarah Palin's actual one. (See Orac for the SNL clips). Pharmboy: I wish Tina Fey were the Republican VP pick. PharmGirl: I think Tina Fey should have been the Republican candidate. P.S. I would donate to the McCain campaign if they let Sheril Kirshenbaum debate Sarah Palin.
From here. Which stage are you in?
There may not be a god, but apparently there is a goddess, and her name is Tina Fey.
At least when it comes to politics, Saturday Night Live has been pretty funny so far this season: The resemblance is uncanny. I have to admit, also, that SNL did a pretty good job parodying the first Presidential debate, too, given that the writers and comics had only a little more than 24 hours after the end of the debate to whip up a sketch: I can't wait to see what The Daily Show and The Colbert Report do with this. Actually, though, given how much both candidates, including Barack Obama, dodged answering direct questions, I think the pie-eating contest mentioned in the sketch would be…
If any of my readers are good knitters, check this out: The pattern, not the girl. Preverts! Hat tip: Colin Purrington
Then you need to head over to The Oyster's Garter and read Miriam Goldstein's incredibly funny post about the problems of male sea squirts. Apparently, if you're a sea squirt, the size of your sperm is related to your environment and mostly the number of other sea squirts in your environment. Usually, I'm not attuned to the issues of broadcasting spawn or the lives of those who live under a dock, but Ms. Goldstein channels Dr. Tatiana so well, I found myself sympathizing and laughing out loud at the struggles of the tunicates. Sometimes extremely handsome pleats just aren't enough.
I realize I've been a bit remiss in my usual monthly feature, in which I have until recently featured a photo of our blog mascot from the infamous Fleet Pharmaceuticals calendar. This year's been the most bizarre one of all, a radical departure. One might wonder why I've missed August. Here's why: That's one scary image of EneMan. However, I do see some utility to it here. I think I may adopt it as the logo for any post in which Orac applies some serious not-so-Respectful Insolence to someone who is so full of crap that he or she requires our mascot's "little friend" to clean it out.…
From here:
It's a stunning about-face. Not only does she admit that evolution is valid, but she confesses that she herself is an example of a transitional form. "I am gutted that I have let the American Right down like this," she said at a tearful press conference this morning, surrounded by her collection of stuffed polar bears in the den of her Anchorage home. "Our primary argument for Creation and against the communist satanic onslaught of evolution has always been: 'Well I've never seen a chimp turn into a man' or 'Show me a gorilla giving birth to a human baby and I'll believe in evolution'. "…
It was inevitable - took just a few hours (you need to listen, not just watch):
Rabies themselves! We are a proud group of rabies. We are not a rabid group. And we rarely engage in rabid rabble rousing. As a commonly misunderstood virus which supports the Barack Obama candidacy, we've formed an alliance of rabies to pledge our support for Senator Obama. Our group is comprised of all different kinds of rabies, including rabies from a raccoon, bat and non-domesticated canines. Wow! If this won't get wingnuts frothing at their mouths, I don't know what will!