
Image: donated by a reader who likes to remain anonymous [larger view].
(Source. Hat tip: Shawn).
tags: election2008 poster suggestions, humor, satire, presidential election, politics Image: I like this poster's Harry Potter theme. The silliness of this year's presidential elections has some people mocking them. especially, has taken this mocking to a new level, as you can see above from one of their poster suggestions. I have chosen my two favorite posters to show to you, but there are plenty more where those came from!
tags: election2008 poster suggestions, humor, satire, presidential election, politics Image: I like this suggested poster's science theme. The silliness of this year's presidential elections has some people mocking them. especially, has taken this mocking to a new level, as you can see above from one of their poster suggestions. I have chosen my two favorite posters to show to you, but there are plenty more where those came from!
Donald Wildmon, crusading anti-gay bigot, is asking pastors to take a pledge to turn out the vote. He's getting a good response, and you might want to encourage your ecclesiastical friends to participate. I'm particularly impressed with the Alaskan contingent so far.
Oddly enough, this doesn't bother me in the slightest... Your result for The Which Discworld Character Am I Test... Susan Sto Helit As Death's granddaughter (a long story, which you greatly dislike), you inherited his ultimate practicality and lack of fear. In fact, boogeymen and other childhood boggles fear YOU. Often assisted by the Death of Rats and his raven, you manage to fix the Universe inbetween working as a governness and educating the masses. The ultimate teacher. Take The Which Discworld Character Am I Test at HelloQuizzy
tags: death by parody, python trek, humor, funny, streaming video Oh, okay, I see how this is war is being fought! The truly evil scientist from across The Pond has begun cheating by launching a second satirical attack that introduces other characters into the fray! Oh, HO! In view of this egregious war crime, I have no choice but to escalate this war from a limited Shatner Satire conflict into a no-holds-barred all-out War of the Parodies! DEATH BY PARODY! [2:12]
The The funniest response to today's McCain gambit
Five, actually. This showed up on a listserv I'm a member of: NCSE and The Panda's Thumb are recruiting scientists named Steve, or Stephanie, or Stephen, or Esteban, et al. to join Project Steve, a tongue-in-cheek response to creationists. All members of Project Steve agree with the following statement: Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there…
Think of me as bringing back the simple joys of yesteryear.
You can learn to love creationism! It's just like green eggs and ham, except for the brain rot!
tags: William Shatner, Shatner-Hasselhoff, humor, funny, streaming video A truly evil scientist from across The Pond has launched a satirical attack in response to the Shatner Satire Wars. As a gawd-feering amerikan, I could not let that pass without bombing him into yesterday with a retaliatory counter-offensive satirical attack. To view Part 2 of this ongoing war against satire, peek below the fold [0:48]
Every fall, we had to confront it. People would let their dogs run around on the field in the morning and by the time soccer practice started, the field would be full of deadly doo. There's nothing that hurts soccer practice more than a soccer ball or shoes that went through a pile of dog poo. That's why I'm so exciting to see this new application for DNA testing. That's right. Kids will be able to play soccer without worry and dog owners will be held responsible for cleaning up after their pets. The forward thinking city that's going to implement this plan is Petah Tikva, in Isreal.…
tags: William Shatner, Rocket Man, humor, funny, streaming video This is a hilarious video William Shatner doing what he does best: overacting to the point of silliness [5:00]
tags: Politics, Ralph Nader, Cardozo, humor, funny, streaming video This is a silly video by Ralph Nader, who feels left out of the political process since the electorate finally sees him for what he is. So Ralph talks about dressing up as a panda with Cardozo the Amazon parrot, who lives with former Salt Lake City Mayor, Rocky Anderson, in a lame attempt to recapture his old glory days of spoiling elections and making life worse for the electorate [2:45] Cardozo, here you are from the free flying Amazon jungle to a cage in Utah -- albeit an open door cage with a fine master. Do not feel sad…
I had to laugh, through my tears of course, that the Bush administration's bill requesting $700 billion for the Treasury Department to purchase failing mortgage assets is not even three pages long. Where did the idea come from for such a concise funding request??? Those of us with NIH research funding received e-mails last week on the outcome of "Enhancing Peer Review," a year-long effort by the funding agency to "fund the best science, by the best scientists, with the least amount of administrative burden." One of the outcomes garnering the greatest attention has been the proposal to reduce…
Greg Laden is trying to start a PZ Myers vs. Chuck Norris joke meme, and I'm sorry, all the entries so far are feeble and pathetic. I think this is a case where the black-and-white simplifications of a creationist mind do a far better job of generating catch-phrases than we etiolated intellectual elitists can. I'm just not cartoony enough yet.
tags: cats, pets, humor, funny, streaming video This is a hilarious video of common ordinary cats being .. well, cats! It's humorous way to start your work week! [4:23]
Now that I've had the current banking disaster explained to me (short answer: the people responsible will be receiving a huge handout from the taxpayers), I can understand why Obama has decided to quit. It makes sense. Whoever wins the election is going to be in for a world of pain and hard work, if they take the job seriously. Oh, wait…McCain has already signaled that he won't be taking it seriously.