
tags: Big Sister, election2008, Sarah Palin, humor, satire, politics Image: Orphaned. Please contact me for proper attribution and linkage. Sarah Palin wants to be our Big Sister. At the bottom, the poster says; War is Peace -- Freedom is Slavery -- Ignorance is Strength
... those weeds won't ever go away. The inimitable Siris notes the problem with the myth that the US Electoral College is a restraint upon democracy (when it makes presidential elections possible where previously they weren't, so how can it be a restraint?). The article in the New Yorker he links to also notes that it was an Australian, no even a Victorian (my home state's) innovation to have the state produce the electoral ballots. Yay us! Siris also notes what I should have realised: that before Descartes, philosophers thought animals had the rudiments of cognition. Given the Great…
When I've seen bits of it before, I've felt a terrible urge to run howling from the room…but they've hired a new cast member who might well provide some insightful and provocative opinions.
I lived in Philly for seven years, so I do have a connection and retain my affection for the city, and a respect for the addytood Philadelphians have always had. I felt a real tingle of sentiment when I heard that Philadelphia sports fans booed Sarah Palin. Clenched fist salute for Philadelphia!
The horror (definitely not work or child safe):
The bastards...
This is truly a thing of beauty: Sean Hannity, after using the tawdry guilt-by-association gimmick against Barack Obama, gets the same thing done to him. Watch the man squirm in frustration! Bonus! The clip is presented by Keith Olbermann! Double bonus! It's got Rachel Maddow commenting on it! Super duper triple bonus! John Cleese sent in a poem about Hannity! Ode to Sean Hannity by John Cleese Aping urbanity Oozing with vanity Plump as a manatee Faking humanity Journalistic calamity Intellectual inanity Fox Noise insanity You're a profanity Hannity Time for a group liberal smirk…
From here (click if you need help identifying the gaming systems - or candidates for that matter):
Perhaps this image will help fix the differences between the candidates in your minds.
Never get involved in a land war in Asia, never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line, and never try to compete with me in the crazy email category.
I may have to change my voting plans — a real wild card candidate has entered the race. There is, of course, a poll. These guys are going to have a lock on the cryptozoological/weird conspiracy/tinfoil hat constituency, and we all know that that is a huge fraction of the population in this country. Don't count them out.
tags: The Simpsons, election2008, Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama, streaming video I know this is meant in jest, but I find it to be somewhat frightening since this very scenario (somewhat modified) already happened eight years ago! In short, Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama and gets a nasty surprise.
Okay, watching some of the other movies makes me realize that I've been very negligent in not uploading ours. Without further ado, here it is. Can you guess the age of the person who made the movie? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't me.
tags: Sarah Palin, Katie Couric, parody, humor, streaming video If you haven't seen this yet, I know you are going to enjoy it. If you have seen it before, you'll love seeing it again -- incidentally, I worked at the "goofy evolution museum" [6:49]
... here, at IAmYourGod. Personally, I suspect God actually wants all those atheists and agnostics, because he values critical thinking.
My favourite gardener, the Darwinian Gardener, gives another interview in the Florida News-Journal with which I can only whole-heartedly agree. One can work in a garden as a Darwinian gardener if one (i) needs to reclaim a driveway or path to the front door for one's own purposes, (ii) has a light carbon footprint by using manual rather than internal combustion power, and (iii) has chilled beer on hand. I suspect the Darwinian Gardener is a many of refinement, and drinks Cooper's Pale Ale. I suspect he'd be very pleased to know that I have a considerable amount of data supporting his theory…
Actually, Hey Sarah, talk to the paw! - the Polar Bear paw!
I'm still buried working on next week's talk and my part of the center grant. Fortunately, Saturday Night Live provides some temporary entertainment until I can get out from under the pile. Once again Tina Fey nails it, especially the "maverick" part. While watching the debate last week, by the end I thought I was going to throw something at the TV screen if I heard Palin refer to herself and McCain as "mavericks" again. I know, I know, this is becoming a bit of a habit. Don't worry, though. I have something nearly finished for tomorrow, and I see a light at the end of the tunnel next week…
tags: Holy Bible fiction, religion, religious fundamentalism, religious wingnuttery, religious fascism I've often said that the bible needs a warning on the front cover, so I am pleased to see that someone has finally heard me and done this. Image: Orphaned [larger view]. WARNING: This is a work of fiction. Do NOT take it literally. CONTENT ADVISORY: Contains verses descriptive or advocating suicide, incest, bestiality, sadomasochism, sexjual activity in a violent context, murder, morbid violence, use of drugs or alcohol, homosexuality, voyeurism, revenge, undermining of authority figures…