
We've had Jesus, Mary, and a variety of others make their holy presence known on blessed pieces of toast. Now it looks as though we have a new sacred image: That's right, Sarah Palin has proven her most sacred presence by appearing on a piece of toast! What more evidence do you need that her being elected Vice President is ordained by God Himself and that God Himself will smite John McCain shortly after he takes office in order to usher in a Palin administration that will lead straight to The Rapture? And what did the owner of this most holy miracle do? He's auctioning it on E-bay, of…
Okay, so in the AM I am off to drizzly Melbourne, my old home town, to address a conference on the implications of the project of naturalising religion, especially in terms of evolution, to an audience that may, or may not be religious. So if you never hear from me again, I was probably burned at the stake. By the atheists... Anyway, I get to meet Lawrence Krauss. Yes, that Lawrence Krauss. He's going to be a keynote speaker, as I am (preen, preen). So assuming they make me actually work for my meal, no blogging for a few days. No doubt something great will pop up in the interbugs while I'…
What's not to like about that?
It will get you a mention on a famous webcomic, that's what. I look good as an angel (not exactly).
Mohan Matthen, a philosopher of biology, has a very nice takedown of Thomas Nagel's qualified support for teaching creationism on his blog. Hat tip Leiter. Richard Losick has an excellent piece on the problems of using cultured lab strains when studying microbes, at Small Things Considered. A new blog on politics and science, A Vote for Science, has started up at the mothership. Hopefully, when the present unpleasantness in the US has concluded for four years, we can get onto some wider and more interesting matters. Wesley Elsberry has a plaintive cri de coeur about the joys of sleep…
Do not do whatever this cartoon is depicting or else! Funny Pie Chart Worst 'Before and After' pics ever Only in Russia Found around the Internets today....
If I weren't such a reductionist mechanist, I'd probably find this very very funny. And what Cleese does to things deserves its own verb.
Heh. "Please, ask this one about dinosaurs." "I invite the media to grow a pair. And if you can't, I will lend you mine."
Literally. Bill Mutranowski of Atheist Cartoons sent me these drawings. Now you know where I get my black sense of humor: every morning I get up to look at that face in the mirror, and a fellow has got to laugh. And they all look exactly like me! You can check out his collection of cartoons — this one was my favorite.
Oy vey! So this is how to handle them bloggers? Thanks for my morning chortle walking back from the driveway this morning with the Sunday New York Times: And four months ago, a Wasilla blogger, Sherry Whitstine, who chronicles the governor's career with an astringent eye, answered her phone to hear an assistant to the governor on the line, she said. "You should be ashamed!" Ivy Frye, the assistant, told her. "Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!" And how dare you exercise the First Amendment! But PharmGirl just castigated me on putting this up, saying that we really need to get over the…
From here
Jumbo Jerky Works is a gun that shoots beef jerky. The barrel of the Jerky Works Gun conveniently holds one pound of meat, which means less reloading for you. It comes with five spice packets and three different nozzles, each of which "shoots" a different style: strips, double strips, or sticks. I was wandering around the internet and found a Popular Mechanics piece about ten strange kitchen items, so I am showing you two of those items that I thought you might be intrigued by. The above gadget is something that guys will love, especially while drinking beer and watching football. It's a…
Yes, I'm being mean, but this clip below has all the legitimacy of creationism--which is to say none: Really, creationism is just as nutty, this is simply not dressed up in pseudoreligious baggage. Bonus Insanity: A creationist has put together a site opposing Electronic Arts' game Spore because it is brainwashing kids into 'believing in' evolution. Apparently, we "Evolutionaryists" are very mean too.
That last panel cracks me up.
"I guess a lot of you already know that "liberel" isn't a real word. But it sure was news to me! And now my face is as red as a mooseburger cooked up rare and painted in lipstick!" haha....
This is about as off-topic as it gets, but I can't resist posting. Y'see, I'm a spectacularly uncoordinated person. I can trip over nothing. If you throw me a ball, the chances of my being able to catch it are frighteningly low. When I was in high school, my physics teacher invented the Carroll Scale of Spasticity for measuring the incidents in which I damaged or destroyed a lab experiment by tripping or bumping things (and he was still telling students about it 6 years later when my sister's friends were in his class). So this video is amazing. It makes me feel coordinated. It makes the…
I confess to feeling a faint twinge of envy at all the news about the Large Hadron Collider. It's Big Science, it's got lots of shiny fancy gadgets, and it's like NASCAR for nerds — they get to spin things together at high speed and smash them together. We biologists lack anything quite so dramatic. Until now. Scientists from the Evolutionary Acceleration Research Institute (EARI) announced that the first test of the Giant Animal Smasher (GAS) will begin on December 19, 2008, the 41st anniversary of the premiere of Dr. Dolittle. Dr. Thomas Malwin, head of the research project, said, "The…
Although, I've got to say, the message is somewhat attenuated by the fact that this is a comic strip about a talking cat having an argument with a troll.