
Steven Pirie-Shepherd discovered the next generation of chemistry professors at the aquarium in Santa Barbara. I am impressed, and will more eagerly join the next search for new chemistry faculty at my university — I have a recommendation in mind. Together with my prior observation, we clearly need to expand our saltwater generation facilities.
This is a great message that a few framers need to take to heart.
Every scientist has had manuscripts rejected by various journals, and most who submit to the really high impact journals like Nature or Science end up being rejected without review. Few, however, have the creativity or cojones to respond to such a rejection in such a creative and amusing manner. Sadly, in the medical literature, there really are no structures in the body left that can be named in such a manner; there really isn't a way I could respond to a rejection in quite the same manner. I'll have to think of something different the next time it happens.
Try this search but click on "Sorted by date with duplicates included": (Click here to see enlarged) Hat-tip to Anonymoses (also see Kevin Z) this picture by Patrick Moberg: No comment.
This cartoon is so sweet.
Thanks to a reader, Daniel Keogh, we have a wonderful video detailing what the Imperial March from Star Wars would taste like to one particular synaesthete who has some particularly odd sensation pairings. Check it out: The Professor Funk also has a whole bunch of other entertaining looking videos about other aspects of science. We give them 4 thumbs up. I never did understand why Ebert, et. al. could only ever give a single thumbs up. After all there were two people with four total thumbs. Meh whatever, not everyone can be as awesome as Shelley and I.
Want this, from Systematic Biology on your t-shirt? Stephen Colbert wants you to, and that is enough... Hat tip Henry Simon
Here's an image that is...unsettling: REUTERS/Larry Downing (by way of Dependable Renegade) Seriously, I think Bush's image handlers are just mailing it in at this point. A male politician above a certain age should never appear in the same frame as a woman half his age (or younger), particularly when she's wearing a bikini. It will not end well.
It looks as though at least a couple of my readers have taken to heart my suggestion that, if the pro-CAM, "no skeptics need apply" new wikipedia known as Wiki4CAM won't allow any scientific evidence to be posted within its pages if it does not support the CAM therapy being discussed, then perhaps we should go all Sokal on it and post the most outlandish forms of CAM we can think of in order to see whether any of the editors at Wiki4CAM actually notices, and if anyone does how long it takes. Thus far, we have two skeptics who have taken up the challenge, one choosing a more subtle--shall we…
So... my girlfriend studies categories and concepts and her adviser wanted her to show a video for her first year project. Of course I went out to youtube and tried to find something sensible since I'm procrastinating right now on my psych 100 syllabus - and of course I found something absolutely ridiculous (hey... it IS youtube). Here is how to categorize all the Alien Species that have been wandering around the earth since our first contact with our galactic overlords at Roswell:
By this stage of the game, I'm guessing that you're probably as tired of the 2008 Presidential race as I am. Too bad there are still nearly three months of this nonsense to go, and, although John McCain has gone deep into the stupid with ads featuring comparisons of his opponent with Paris Hilton, even Barack Obama doesn't seem entirely immune from attacks of pandering himself, proposing as he has, to eliminate income taxes on seniors. Of course, this being August, and all, the slowest news month of the year, coupled with the--heh--traditional wisdom that no one really pays attention to the…
It justs gets weirder and weirder. moar funny pictures You can find more of the story and more puppy pictures here. H/T to Jennifer - one of erv's commeters.
Man, this brings back some fun memories: I think we need to set up a fund to adopt that kid in the grey shirt in the front row. The one whos just sitting there with his arms crossed, while everyone around him is going ape-shit? Poor kid.
Any time there's a send up of news anchors, disaster coverage, and George Bush, it's worth watching:
LOL! I have no idea what possessed them to do this-- But Skeptic Friends Network set up a fine poll: Who would win in a free-for-all, anything-goes cage match?
Oh you crazy non-English speaking people... please please please take the extra effort and get someone like me with a dirty mind to proofread your papers. And Editors... get your mind INTO the gutter and things like this won't happen. It all starts innocently with this perfectly normal sounding setup: Chem. Commun., 2007, 1733 - 1735, DOI: 10.1039/b614147a Electrochemical synthesis of metal and semimetal nanotube-nanowire heterojunctions and their electronic transport properties Dachi Yang, Guowen Meng, Shuyuan Zhang, Yufeng Hao, Xiaohong An, Qing Wei, Min Ye and Lide Zhang Metal and…
This is the funniest thing I have read since PZ got thrown out of EXPELLED. This cant freaking be real. A woman by the name of 'Bernann McKinney' just made news by having her dead pit bull, Booger, cloned by a S. Korean company, RNL Bio. Shortly after 'Bernann' rescued Booger off the streets, 'Bernann' was attacked by another dog, and Booger came to her rescue. She feels like shes alive because of Booger. I know the loyalty pits show their owners-- I feel her pain. But since she rescued Booger, 'Bernann' of all people should know what great dogs you can find on the street and in shelters…
Leave it to those wacky Korean cloners. In December, scientists from Gyeongsang National University gave us fluorescent kitties. Now, we have cute little puppies! These aren't the first cloned pets on the market, we have stores that sell glowing fish. But these clones have a bit higher price tag. For $50,000 Bernann McKinney got 5 new "Boogers" from RNL Bio; "Booger McKinney," "Booger Lee," "Booger Ra," "Booger Hong and "Booger Park." That's $10,000 a Booger! Still, who can resist these cute little boogers? I have a picture of the puppies below the fold and as you can see, they're…