
Despite having to employ biophysical methods in my day job, I must admit my woeful understanding of physics as a discipline. I wasn't like my high school grease monkey friends using torque wrenches on their cars with Springsteenonian dedication and my lowest grade in undergrad came in physics. For that reason, I rarely have the opportunity to link to fellow ScienceBlogger, Chad Orzel of Uncertain Principles. Prof Orzel was one of the earliest science bloggers, coming online in June, 2002. Chad posted about being on the programme of a meeting in Waterloo, Ontario, entitled, "Science in the…
tags: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits the RNC, Conan O'Brien, humor, streaming video "The only thing left to see is John McCain's speech. That's why we're going home." [6:55]
Looks like it's a tetrapod past a sponge. (via My Confined Space)
I like it. This is a perfect analogy to creationist argument. The theory of childhood, also known as child origin, is a damnable, loathsome and indefensible lie. How can any thinking person suppose all humans used to be babies once? There is no development path from babies to adults, no transitional forms between these two species. Show me even one baby with the head of a grown man on his body. Can you? No? Not even a bearded toddler? No adults with unfused skullbones, outside unfortunate disorders? Not even a tiny little newborn girl suddenly sprouting a respectable bosom? You can't find…
At last, it's a Palin we can all support.
No, the large Hadron Collider won't destroy the earth. Go on, bet me everything you own against everything I own that there's be no strangelets or black holes as a result. You'd get four or five years enjoying my wealth. Meanwhile morons have threatened to kill physicists who are trying to understand the universe... Bush and co. (I mean that literally - they are effectively a corporation) continue to do harm. How white are you? [I'm not very white racially, but then I suspect I'm not very human; see avatar] Losers in Sydney can go to a million comments party. Superlosers (those who don…
Lots of you have been mailing me this comic today, 9 Chickweed Lane, because it contains a bizarre proof of god. I know, it's supposed to be funny, but let's take it seriously just for a moment. To summarize the argument: Darwin's theory predicts a progressive increase in human intelligence, refuting the Christian account; people are stupid; therefore, Darwin is refuted; therefore, god exists. I assume the humor in the comic lies in the blatant illogic of the silly rationale the pompous ass in the blue overalls is bloviating (I hope…I don't read this one very often, so I don't know if the…
Top Story On John McCain Run Out Of Obligation: Although his lack of charisma and charm has lately prevented the Arizona senator from grabbing front-page headlines, the tenets of journalistic objectivity made it necessary today to publish a top news story on Republican presidential candidate John McCain. According to the newspaper's editors, the decision to run the story came after they realized that they had not printed a cover story about Sen. McCain (R-AZ) in a number of months, despite the distinct possibility that he could become the leader of the free world for the next four to eight…
I am stuck in a McDonald's which has the only free wifi connection I've been able to find in London, and made a horrifying discovery: there is a Darwin-shaped wall stain that I cannot see, nor apparently, I cannot even read about because the story is considered to be "an: "Adult/Mature Content;Humor/Jokes." So it is your job, my peeps, to read this story and tell me about it (I will be checking on my blog one last time tomorrow morning before I depart for NYC).
I guess I'm just going to have to face it. I'm entering a period of lots of vaccine blogging again. After all, Jenny McCarthy's book is coming out this month, and I've heard rumblings that she's scheduled to be on the undisputed Queen of Woo Oprah Winfrey's TV show later this month; so beware. Already in some bookstores is Paul Offit's book Autism's False Prophets, and there's little doubt that the antivaccination smear machine is gearing up to slime him as hard as they can. It's going to be a depressingly busy fall on the antivax front. I keep hoping I can take an extended break from this…
Watch him demolish the Republicans with their own hypocritical words.
As usual, when Jon Stewart nails it: My goodness! Two political posts in a row. I'd better watch myself, or I'll become one of those dime-a-dozen political bloggers that I complain about. Not that I count this, given that it's just a Daily Show video clip. Still, it's so spot-on that I couldn't resist. Don't worry. Tomorrow it's back to medicine, surgery, and science. For the most part.
So everyone has been asking me about 'her' for the last week or so. Everyone wants to talk about 'her'. Im a very progressive person, so I wanted to be excited about 'her' because she was a 'her'... but I didnt want to talk about 'her' until I saw 'her' on TV tonight, so you poor bastards had to wait. Guys...*sigh*... I totally, totally love her. The new season of Americas Next Top Model started tonight, and 'she' is a kickass born-in-the-wrong-body woman, Isis! WHOOO!!! Fuck yeah!! Good luck, Isis! Oh, and Palin can suck Arnies empty ball sack.
Apparently, it's an eppendorf pipette. If you aren't a science nerd, an eppendorf pipette is one of the ubiquitous tools of molecular biology — it's a calibrated gadget for dispensing minute quantities of liquids. Eppendorf is now selling an automated pipettor called epMotion … and judging by the promotional video and music, it's also intended to raise estrogen levels. Don't watch it unless you want to be emasculated! (The tune is rather catchy. I'm suddenly in the mood to cuddle.) epMotion Song Pipetting all those well-plates, baby, sends your thumbs into overdrive And spending long nights…
David Ng from The World's Fair has made this wonderful video on public speaking. Or shall we say the funnier side of public speaking? I really enjoyed it! I'd say Dave's video ranks right up there with one of my other favories, the classic: "Chicken chicken chicken"
A couple of ladies in Seattle decided to just up and visit the Discovery Institute. No appointments or anything…they just walked up to the door, buzzed the intercom, and got a tour from Casey Luskin. They're a bit of a tease, though, posting this in multiple parts. I anxiously await reading more of their encounters.
It's a common question, and it isn't easy to explain, since much of it is complicated while the simple parts are often counter-intuitive. But here's a comic that tries and illustrates the problem. Here's the correct explanation, that actually jibes with the evidence. Here's the ID/creationist explanation: Then, of course, in the competition of ideas, the two hash it out and…well, you'll have to read the whole thing yourself. Sad to say, the ending rings true, too.
You can prove anything with mock-logic.