
JD, we hardly knew you.
Ricky, we hardly knew you.
Not to have too much levity about electoral irregularities, but this is just funny: In some areas of Indiana and Ohio, computer problems meant polling stations did not open on time, with voters being turned away, or given paper ballots. In Colorado, voters queued for hours because of technical glitches and in Oklahoma, a squirrel chewed through an electric cable, cutting off power to electronic voting machines in several polling stations. "It's an unmitigated disaster," said Warren Stewart, the political director of VoteTrustUSA, a watchdog deeply sceptical of electronic voting. Was it an…
Someone please tell me that that political hemorrhoid, Santorum has finally been raptured! I just heard on CNN that Santorum will likely be encouraged to run for the presidency if he loses. Can you believe that?? Please, dear readers, tell me that this is a cruel joke, that there is NO WAY IN THIS CENTURY that any of you would vote for Santorum for any elected office, not even as national dog catcher! . tags: politics, Santorum, exit polls
I voted a couple hours ago, and polls have just closed in my part of the country. All over the eastern part of the U.S., the counting of the votes is shifting into high gear. This election year saw some truly disgusting negative ads all over the country. Too bad none of them were like this one:
According to the latest election poll returns, the pedophile Mark Foley is in the lead to retain his house seat. In view of all the recent shenanigans, including child rape, this is one election race that shouldn't even be close! C'mon, what the hell is wrong with you people!? How can you expect any decent pedophile-fearing American to bring their kids to visit DisneyWorld? Shame on you, Florida voters, if Foley wins! Cited polls. . tags: politics, pedophilia, Mark Foley, exit polls
After living with a bloody undeclared war in Iraq, tax money meant for the war effort instead lining the already bulging pockets of Halliburton CEOs, tax policies that permit the rich to become even richer, a dumbass president who is out-of-touch along with his crooked group of advisors who have perpetuated scandal after scandal on a weary American people .. well, it's no wonder that the average American Voter has had enough. What is the main issue motivating people to vote in this midterm election? Corruption. The exit polls -- by a consortium of broadcast networks and The Associated Press…
Pam is one of the CNN bloggers tonight. I already saw her on TV a couple of times. Let's see how much time they give them on TV and how much space online.
How can people not be ashamed to be associated with a political party that stoops to importing homeless people to distribute erroneous flyers about the political candidates?? Do we really want people like this running our government, making decisions that affect our lives and -- especially -- sending our troops into war? The Maryland GOP has sunk to another new low. They bussed in homeless people from out-of-state to distribute fake, misleading sample ballots in Prince Georges County. The Governor's wife was right in the thick of this latest GOP scam: Inaccurate sample ballots describing…
You want a lesson in real patriotism? Ask Captain America. Then go vote for the party that doesn't need to wrap itself in the flag to conceal its blemishes. (via Orbus Quintus)
Bangladesh is no longer the most corrupt country in the world!!!. Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, Guinea, Iraq, Myanmar and Haiti are tops. Boy, and I am proud to be an American, after all, we helped Iraq attain the status of being the 3rd most corrupt nation in the world! Seeing as how millions have died in the Congo since 1996, methinks we need another intervention, and perhaps we help Congo ascend the ranks a bit? Who knows, can't you imagine a scenario 5 years down the road when Americans troops have to stand down and call off a search for their cannibalized…
From TAPPED: Our own Alec Oveis, who sadly left the Prospect few months ago, calls in from Connecticut, where he's volunteering on behalf of Chris Murphy (one of Tom's “Dropkick Murphys” positioned to defeat GOP incumbents this year). He reports that voter fury over robocalls is amazing and palpable at the polling site he's near. Several people have gone out of their way to tell him and other Murphy people that they're voting for Republican incumbent Nancy Johnson strictly out of anger at the harassing phone calls they've been receiving from the Murphy campaign. Alec and other's explanations…
As many of you know, I am in the hospital and have been for more than 90 days so far. Considering that I am unemployable and uninsured (and probably uninsurable after this experience), and that I lack any sort of financial support system, you might be wondering how I will pay all these bills, which currently exceed $100,000. Basically, I am not and never will be held liable for my medical expenses because the state of New York is paying all my bills, including two ER visits. As many of you probably know or suspect, I am not a fan of state-run hospitals since they are typically associated…
Fair And Balanced, of course. Can't insult anyone by naming names, can you? They, after all, just report and you decide which party it is....
I know, I know, Tuesdays are supposed to be for touchy-feely personal posts or navel-gazing posts about blogging, but today is an election, so I decided to go with provocative, hard-hitting stuff instead (originally posted on June 27, 2005, click on the clock-spiderweb to see the original): ----------------------------------------------------------------- Back in 1991, before I left Belgrade, we were demonstrating against Milosevic. Many plackards and graffiti at the time compared Milosevic to Saddam. They were mostly NOT comparing him to Hitler. Why? Not because we liked Milosevic and did…
I voted at 9:40am and was voter #299 at our place which is huge! In some years there is less than that whole day. Even more, earlier today, when I was dropping off my daughter at school around 7:50am, there was a line there with people even standing outside in the cold rain! I have NEVER seen a line there in the last 3.5 years here. Oh, and if you are so new here that you do not know how I may have voted, I feel like this and this. There is a judge race (officially non-partisan) in which I did not vote because the self-professed Democrat is bat-shit crazy (and not even endorsed by the…
Lindsay went down to Virginia this morning and is live-blogging (and photoblogging) the last hours of the campaign and the election there.
If you go to this page and click on the map, you will see where there are election problems and complaints and what they are (click on the state, then use the pull-down menu to choose the county in order to see a list of the actual complaints). As expected, there are already many problems in Ohio, especially in Cuyahoga County. (Via)
Minnesota polling places are now open. You should be able to vote between 7AM and 8PM, so get out there and do it! I'm looking at you UMM students, too. No apathy allowed. I'll have a bowl of candy in my office—show me your "I voted" sticker, or tell me you did (I'm so trusting), and you can have a piece. I voted 15 minutes after the polls opened, and I was the 16th voter. I think turnout is going to be good out here on the Minnesota prairies. It was a paper ballot, too, and if a candidate's name had a (Democrat-Farmer-Labor) after it, they got my vote. I was jubilantly partisan today.
Two links to speed you on your way to the polls: 1) Jim Macdonald writing to Democrats. 2) John Scalzi writing to Republicans. Now step away from the keyboard, and go vote. The Internet will be here when you get back. (This assumes you're a US citizen, or coincidentally holding an election in your home country today. If you're not eligible to vote in the US, but have the balloting bug, um, well, go vote for your favorite academics, or something...)