
This is just excellent - the Bible in LOLcatese. Favorite extract - Job 1. 1. In teh land of Uz wuz a man calded Job. Teh man was goodz, afraid of teh Invisible Man and evilz. 2. Teh man hadz seven sunz and tree doters, 3. And lots of sheepz and camlez and rinoceruseses and servnts, srsly. 4. His sunz tok turns mading cookies, and they all eated them. 5. And Job wuz liek "Oh noes! Wut if cookies were sin? Gota prey, just in cased." 6. Teh ayngles wented to seez Invisible Man, and Saitin wented 2. 7. Invisible Man axt Saitin, "Wher u wuz?" Saitin saied "Oh, hai. I’z wuz in ur earth,…
LOLCats are one of those things you either hate or hate really really a lot. But the idea of translating the entire Bible into LOLCatese? Priceless. Someone has way too much spare time (and will we see battles fought over the Auterised Bibel translation versus the VulgarCat version? I hope so), but at least they are making us all chuckle. Note for the translators - sometimes it's Invisible Man, and other times it's Jerry. Make sure you get the usages right. [Hattip to Jason, who also has too much spare time, obviously]
I really would have liked to have sampled this Thai restaurant's nam prik pao. Maybe next time.
The estimable and overproductive Neil Levy* at CAPPE at my alma mater, has sent me Terry Pratchett's and Stephen Brigg's book/diary Lu-Tse's Yearbook of Enlightenment 2008, with a note "To help you chart your course into unemployment". For which I give much thanks, as it also contains many analects of the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite. Of course, I read the title as "Lu-Tse's Yearbook of Enplightenment", which no doubt says much more about my mental state right now than the universe (assuming there's a difference). For which, Neil, many thanks. I have achieved wisdom. * Yes, I know, it's being…
A friend, Jerry, sent me the results of the Washington Post's Mensa Invitational. This is a competition where WaPo readers are asked to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Below the fold are this year's winners. Read them carefully. Each is an artificial word with only one letter altered to form a real word. Some are terrifically innovative: Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.…
If you've got a high tolerance for nonsense, you might want to check out 50 religious insights from George W. Bush. The man is a regular mullah, full of deep insights. I rather like juxtaposing these two: I'm also mindful that man should never try to put words in God's mouth. I mean, we should never ascribe natural disasters or anything else to God. We are in no way, shape, or form should a human being, play God. Washington, D.C., Jan. 14, 2005 I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me…
This might be one of those "framing" exercises: Science Creative Quarterly wants your science questions. The catch is that they'll be answered by Bill Hick the Science Prick (Ooo-eee, late-night Pharyngula is on an off-color roll, isn't it?). There's a prize, though! The humiliation and abuse might be worth it when you give the children's book you win for it to some little boy or girl. Just don't tell them how you won it. You want them to look up to you, you know.
This is how Technorati characterizes this blog: Indeed. Now go do the Hokey Pokey and shake it all about.
Continuing the cynicism from yesterday… It's so true, it isn't funny.
Here's a strategy to make money from your expertise! There is some bad news, though. It's been done many times already, so there is "competition". There doesn't seem to be a lot of competition, though, and the market for this kind of "science" seems insatiable. Wrong answers and bad answers seem to be much more valuable than truth and accuracy.
The Ballmer Peak holds for all intellectual endeavors, not just programming.
Some of these are hilarious, and, no, it wouldn't be a good idea for these couples to do the hyphenated name thing. If you have any more real life examples, post 'em in the comments for the amusement of all! (Via Advice Goddess, who should know that less than two weeks ago I stayed at a hotel on Big Beaver Rd. in Troy, MI.)
Here's another item I saw at the local Barnes & Noble last night. I almost bought this calendar, so amused was I by it. In retrospect, maybe I should have bought it. I don't recall ever seeing a calendar like this before. Not for Bill Clinton, and not for Ronald Reagan. It's a testament to just how badly our current President has screwed up. It even includes a page for the first 20 days of 2009, right up to the very end.
I think the title says it all. Perfect! Whoever wrote the book sure knows her potential readers!
The arch-Enemy of all humanity, PZ Mocals, has posted what he no doubt thinks is a funny skit. I told him good, I did. There's no way we can tolerate this attack of godlessness.
THE SCENE: A circular room cut deep into stone; magma pits bubble left and right, all is lit by roaring torches that cast dark, flickering shadows. In the center, the Cephalopod Throne. THE CAST: PZ Myers broods on his throne, chin on fist. He glowers at a horde of SUPPLICANTS, bowing and scraping before him. Many are speaking at once, but all have the same concern. SUPPLICANT: “O Lord PZ…” SUPPLICANT: “…Great Lord PZ…” SUPPLICANT: “…Lord PZ, do you ever…” SUPPLICANT: “…ever worry…” SUPPLICANT: “…worry that your puissant and uncompromising godlessness might…” SUPPLICANT: “…might frighten…”…
From here (hat-tip).
Those tricky Culture Warriors - they've gone and launched the latest assault in the War on Christmas early this year, denying the Evil Secularist Conspiracy the chance to properly prepare for battle. They didn't wait until Thanksgiving this year, or even until Halloween. They're in the stores and fighting now:
Science and medicine are beautiful things. The range of knowledge and research that can be encompassed under their rubric is truly astounding. Indeed, some scientists have all the luck. Some scientists seem to have all the luck. Some scientists seem able to latch onto the best projects: London, England (CNS) - There is one scientist who is using his knowledge of anatomy to help Hollywood look even more perfect. Patrick Mallucci has thoroughly researched pictures of celebrity women to compile images of the best looking breasts. His work is supposed to help plastic surgeons create the perfect…
Stay tuned after the break as we will be showing the following specials, rated R for Reason. Suitable for 15 years and over... I worked for ten years at The Walter and Eliza Institute of Medical Research (WEHI for short). This was the institution at which Macfarlane Burnet was director. I will be writing a piece on Mac's Clonal Selection Theory of immunology, and if my former employers and employees come through, I aim to have images of Mac's actual lab book where he came up with the idea, on the 50th anniversary of the publication of it. The youthful and handsome Jason Grossman has…